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  1. trigger reid

    45 gal

    what about a cleaner shrimp
  2. trigger reid


    what kinda shrimp could i put in with two percula clowns that wont eat blue leg hermits? in a 45 gal
  3. trigger reid

    protien skimmer

    well its for my 45 and its going to be FOWLR with two percula clowns 20 blue leg hermits a anenome and a couple other fish
  4. trigger reid

    protien skimmer

    i want to take the cheapest protien skimmer and make it better any ideas?
  5. trigger reid

    Green Hair-like algae

    only turn your light on 7 hours a day then you hermits will have time to eat it wile it isnt growing as fast
  6. trigger reid


    does anyone know any good websites on urchins
  7. trigger reid

    trigger ?

    the clown will pick the lion apart until it is dead and the niger might after it matures
  8. trigger reid

    Algae - Help

    for mine i just dont turn my light on as much becasue it grows lots under light so only turn your light on for about 7 hours a day and then it wont grow as much and you crabs will clean it off
  9. trigger reid

    I may have already asked this...

    get one small power head thats is good for circulation
  10. trigger reid

    What fish next?

    yah like tangs and angels wil get stressed out in a tank under 70 gallons i think you should get a lawnmore blenny, they eat lots of algae also put a couple turbo snails they will clean the glass
  11. trigger reid

    45 gal

    i have like tuns of abandoned shells for them to changeeeee to so im good for that
  12. trigger reid

    Green Hair-like algae

    yah i dont think they will survive wit tap water and youcould also get hermits and if you have any on the glass turbo snails
  13. trigger reid

    45 gal

    how is this for a 45 gal - 4-6 percula clowns -20 blue leged hermits -4 turbo snails - 1 black urchin could you help me with anything else i could put in it
  14. trigger reid


    is there any other type of clownfish that will get along with perculas?
  15. trigger reid

    aggressive advice

    well huma humas dont grow that fast
  16. trigger reid

    nov 5th Green moray dinner pic

    what size tank do you have for that thing its huge :eek:
  17. trigger reid

    new 125, help

    yeah black triggers and niger trigers are the same thing and i would not put a lion in the same tank as a trigger cause it will pick away at the lion until it is dead usually
  18. trigger reid

    just a question......opinions

    no i wouldnt becasue the trigger would just have the greatest time picking at it and tearing it apart so if you wanna lose a urchin you can try
  19. trigger reid

    undulate trigger

    what can i do to protect power heads
  20. trigger reid

    Sunday Night 12? Pack!

    is the black urchin easy to take care of becasue i am considering getting won but i dont know if i will be able to keep it alive