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  1. trigger reid

    Pic of our 40

    thats a really small hippo tang if thats only a 40
  2. trigger reid


    well i think it is bad to have a clown fish for cycling your tank you dont even need a fish to cycle it you can just toss in a piece of food to get the anmonia going and other things
  3. trigger reid

    is it stressed?(COral beauty)

    well try to post it under the diseas forum and what im thinking it its due to stress or bullying to.
  4. trigger reid

    too many fish in a 75g ?

    well clown triggers can get pretty naste. if you were to get one the only fish i would put in with it are other triggers of the same size or eels. yah like to inverts with shells say good by:( they will crack open there shells and have them for lunch. If the triggers are as big as it it might...
  5. trigger reid

    two perculas behavior?

    yah and they get along fine all the time
  6. trigger reid

    two perculas behavior?

    i have two percula clown and juring feeding time(i have never saw this before) one bent itself and turned sideways and the other bent itself two then they both hit each other on the mouths then after that they were fine again and swam together. do you have any idea what this behavior could be?
  7. trigger reid

    go home clown

    well i have to addmit that clowns are really cool i have two perculas in my tank and i am going to get a bubble tip anenome because i have abserved at my lfs that the percula clowns just love them a shipment came in with a couple of clowns and then i cam back about five days later and as soon as...
  8. trigger reid

    Can you find the blenny??

    very nice he almost blend in witht the rocks you can hardly tell the difference between the rocks and him
  9. trigger reid

    Mixing Blennies??

    well i dont think their would be any problem with it cause when i was reading up on them it doesnt say that they shouldnt be kept by theirselfs with no other blennnies so i would give it a shot and tell everyone how it worked out. i have a coral beauty and he is pretty good at getting rid of...
  10. trigger reid

    coral beauty angel and chevron tang

    well under the fish fish at the top of the side bar i went into it and read about coral beauty`s and it says they need a tank from 50 gal or higher and 45 is pretty close to that im not so sure about the chevron tang but i probly wont be getting it anyway
  11. trigger reid

    Coral Beauty's level of color and their region?

    i donno why but if you look under the fish on the website and go down to both of them it says the that the cb need a tank of 50 gal or more and a flame angel needs a tank of 100 gal or more and what i observed at my lfs is that they both roam around as much as each other so they would both need...
  12. trigger reid

    coral beauty angel and chevron tang

    no i am getting a new 45 galon tank
  13. trigger reid

    WTF - Why so much anger in my tank???

    dominos can br really mean. I have a large three stripe that has quite a bit of attitude as well. He has done nothing but cause problems.
  14. trigger reid

    coral beauty angel and chevron tang

    would a 2 inch chevron tang be ok to have with a 2 inch coral beauty
  15. trigger reid

    45 gal

    i want to get a 45 gallon tank with 1 small niger triggerfish 1 small porcupine puffer and sum sort of pebble tooth eel. I am going to get about 45-55 pounds of live rock. for circulation and filtration i am going to have 2-3 power heads a protien skimmer and a hang on overflow into a 25 gal...
  16. trigger reid

    Coral Beauty's level of color and their region?

    a cb should have a tank of 50 gallons or more and a flame angel should have a tank of 100 gallons or more these fish may seem small but need lots of swimming room andlots of rockwork
  17. trigger reid

    Water Change

    i do water changes every three weeks they get rid of fishes waste and get rid of nitrates and that stops nusence algae from growing
  18. trigger reid

    bang guy

    how is you baby clown doing
  19. trigger reid

    hermits and perculas

    yah im just scared of them haveing babies then the hermits eating them and then they never have babies again
  20. trigger reid

    hermits and perculas

    will hermit crabs eat percula eggs and do perculas need an anenome to have birth