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  1. saltfisher

    Best way to remove sand to clean.??

    I would like to remove my crushed coral and clean it. First is it safe to do this? How bad will it throw my balance off? I didn't realize how must dust I left in my sand until I bought two sand sifting gobies. Now that they are moving the sand around, my tank is dusty most of the time. Ideas??
  2. saltfisher

    I hate ich!!!!!!!

    My sand bed is about one to two inches. I have a 20g QT set up right now with one blue tang that has been there since I bought it. This morning I added a second blue tang that went from good to near dead in less than 24hrs. I checked him when I got home today and he's living, but rapid gill...
  3. saltfisher

    I hate ich!!!!!!!

    Beth, I just read your hypo article. Tell me if my thinking here is off. It took about 3/4 weeks for my tank to cycle when I started it, to the point I was able to add fish. Why would I start a hypo cycle that could go one for minimum of three weeks, then take 5 to 7 days to raise the...
  4. saltfisher

    I hate ich!!!!!!!

    Had to remove my blue tang back to QT this morning. Noticed more ich on him yesterday. Left home for about 4 hours. Got home, about double the Ich was on him. Woke up this morning, He looked like he crackhead that had way too much. I knew right away he would not make it until I got off...
  5. saltfisher

    How to kill ick????

    Get some Copper in there. Killed my Ich within a few days.
  6. saltfisher


    I watched this the other day when they created the car tank for the 702 motoring guy. Here's where they mislead people. They set up a tank, go to a wholesaler and get nice fish, take them home, fill the new tank, drop the new fish right in. They don't show any acclimation periods, but discuss...
  7. saltfisher

    I haven't done a water change in at least 5 years, and only have a Fluval 404 canister filter

    I've also heard just letting it run works. Just top the water off as it evaporates and feed. This situation sounds like there really isn't much of a load on the tank...2 clowns, so it's probably easy to do this.
  8. saltfisher

    What's the proper way to add yellow/purple/blue tangs??

    Speaking in general. Informational. Rule of thumb, if you will.
  9. saltfisher

    What's the proper way to add yellow/purple/blue tangs??

    is it one or 3 or more? Can they be mixed say one yellow, blue and purple as long as close in size? Anyone?
  10. saltfisher

    Ich has found a way in....

    I had to put one tang back in...they were fighting too bad. I took this risk for two reasons. Waiting 6/8 weeks still is no guarantee ich will not return when I put fish back in. Other is, I rather take that chance and HOPE he does not get it again than have him in a QT getting beat to crap...
  11. saltfisher

    Ich has found a way in....

    Quote: Originally Posted by deejeff442 i too left the dt without fish for two months ,treated the fish in qt and it came just have to be paranoid of ich these ich came in on some corals.fought it for a year and a half See this is what bothers me. I keep my DT fish free...
  12. saltfisher

    Ich has found a way in....

    The water is about 1.013 - 1.016. Geez, 6 to 8 is a long time!!!
  13. saltfisher

    Ich has found a way in....

    Finally done...I went and bout a 20g. Then filled with with 16 gallons from my DT, which runs about 1.021. I then Topped the tank off with straight RO water. Then added about 5.5 teaspoons of Copper. Salinity was about 1.013. I then had to remove about 80lbs of LR to get all the fish out. One by...
  14. saltfisher

    Ich has found a way in....

    I was worried about treating the DT...such a pain in the a... to get everything out. So you suggest getting a 20g, add all the fish to it. Hypo'g the qt to like 1.010 - 1.015... I run DT around 1.022 on a regular. Can the filter on the 10g run the 20g you think? Can I leave all my shrimp in...
  15. saltfisher

    Ich has found a way in....

    I read I can't hypo with inverts and anemone type mates. Someone mentioned treatment in my DT...what kind is there besides hypo? I considered getting a "reef safe" treatment and try it. Thoughts on this?
  16. saltfisher

    Ich has found a way in....

    I have one tang in a 10g tank with copper right now. My other tang did not have signs of ich until today, so tomorrow I plan to get another 10g and put him in it. Here's my problem, I read I need to rid the tank of all fish for 4 weeks or so. I have a couple gobies that I'll never be able to...
  17. saltfisher

    Leopard sharks??

    I have had several between those and smooth hounds. If you resurrected threads from 2003 or so, yes, I probably did sell one, two, or three of them.
  18. saltfisher

    Cleaning bio balls???

    I have a about 5 gallons of dried, dirty bio balls that I want to put back into production. Does anyone have a good method of cleaning them? Thanks!!
  19. saltfisher

    Leopard sharks??
