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  1. saltfisher

    2700 gallon aquarium pics

    Hello from the dead!! This was a good thread. Last I remember he introduced a bonnethead and a blacktip..............YEARS ago!
  2. saltfisher


    Good to know, Sax and thanks!! I was concerned.
  3. saltfisher


    My Foxface often releases some sort of slime of it's body that floats around the tank and looks like a jellyfish. I sometimes notice it on him before it comes off...when he darts, he's able to make it release into the water. Anyone one seen this happen on their fish? I thought this was coming...
  4. saltfisher

    tanked the tv show. cycling?

    They make nice systems, but like the OP says...dropping new fish right in is so misleading it's insane!! They do this yet every show explain the reasons to have a QT. In fact, built an elaborate QT in that kitchen for a couple.
  5. saltfisher

    I want hear what you think of the mimic tang.

    I have one...purchased as a chocolate tang. Doing great!!
  6. saltfisher

    Sand sifting gobies...

    I bought two watchmen gobies the other day. I love the look and what they do, but I certainly didn't realize they show you just how much crap is in the sand. My tank when from crystal clear to looking like a sand storm is in my tank at all times. In fact, it's so bad that of my 4 t5s, I only...
  7. saltfisher

    RO water??

    That's good thinking, but that water is sealed. My water runs into a 55g trash can that has a lid. I put a big pump in it and closed the top. I could do a big water change, but I recently added a powder blue and since they are so sensitive I don't want to risk it.
  8. saltfisher

    RO water??

    By mistake I left my unit running and made about 55 gallons of water when I only needed about 10. I do not want to waster this water. Can I just put a pump in it to keep it moving and leave it covered? How long could i possibly leave it? Any input would be great. Thanks!
  9. saltfisher

    Drilled Vs non-drilled tanks..?

    I should probably get some stronger powerheads. I have two. One on each end, but they are in the middle of the tank basically blowing at each other.
  10. saltfisher

    Drilled Vs non-drilled tanks..?

    I have had both and I am trying to figure out if my latest, the drilled, is better. On my non-drilled tank, I had three fluval 404s. One on each end and one in the middle. I rarely had any crap on the bottom. They captured a lot of what was floating down low. What I have seen with this...
  11. saltfisher

    Best way to remove sand to clean.??

    I ended up tearing the tank down and starting over due to ich, so I removed all the sand and cleaned the living **** out of it. Then only put half the amount back when I set the tank back up.
  12. saltfisher

    When to treat for Ich

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer IF IT IS ICH....Do HYPO....NOTHING ELSE WORKS!!!! Huh? Copper works. Works great and quicker.
  13. saltfisher

    Replace bio balls with live rock?

    Yes, you can do that. I did in my wet/dry filter. Only thing that I found is there begins to be an accumulation of crap under the rock. I think eventually you will have to suck it outta there. Also note it makes a lot more noise once you do this. The water ran down the balls before. Now you...
  14. saltfisher

    Does all UV sterilizers use the same bulb?

    I am eyeing one on Craigslist that's a 9w. I had a turbotwist 9w before and have an extra bulb for it. The one I am looking at is a "Helix Max 9w CD-74911 inline UV Sterilizer". Don't want to fool with it, if the lights dont match. Thanks?
  15. saltfisher

    Best way to remove sand to clean.??

    Reason for this thread is I don't think I took enough time cleaning the stuff before I put it in. I rinsed it quite a bit, but when a fish stirs it up or my sand sifting goby grabs some, it creates a dust cloud in the tank. I wanted to remove it all...rinse it out again and then put it all...
  16. saltfisher

    Best way to remove sand to clean.??

    Thanks for the info.
  17. saltfisher

    Best way to remove sand to clean.??

    I would replace it. In fact, with the same stuff just after I clean it a bit more.
  18. saltfisher

    Best way to remove sand to clean.??

    The starfish buries himself in what I have. It's the stuff I see on most LFS tanks. Regardless of what it is, can you remove and clean it? Also, what is CUC?
  19. saltfisher

    Best way to remove sand to clean.??

    This stuff