Search results

  1. jmgrn

    FS 1502 Korallin-tank-gauges-media-new

    Complete system, never used. $450+ shipping.
  2. jmgrn

    how many lbs of sand?

    The tank is 48 x 24 x 24.
  3. jmgrn

    how many lbs of sand?

    I want 6" dsb in my tank, 120gal Oceanoc RR, with two internal overflows, how much sand will I need?
  4. jmgrn

    Delivery comming, I'm not gonna be home...

    Detailed written instructions, down to the nth degree.
  5. jmgrn

    Reefready or Not??

    I'm not sure about All-Glass tanks, you can check with your dealer, or email All-Glass, or use a 1/16" drill bit to make the hole yourself. The holes on mine are located on the underside of the return elbow, in the corner. All you need is a small hole there to break the siphon, so when when...
  6. jmgrn

    Reefready or Not??

    Oceanic reef ready tanks are built with a small hole drilled into the return elbow for the express purpose of not allowing the tank to siphon drain into the sump and create an overflow. I know this for a fact, have had a 180 and currently a 120, and have NEVER had a problem with the sump...
  7. jmgrn

    Pictures of live rock setup

    As the kids say, IT ROCKS! Very nice rock, nice placement, good job.
  8. jmgrn

    I need some advise!!

    Why not buy a reef ready tank to begin with, save yourself a major headache. You'll never find anyone to drill your tank and guarantee to replace it if it cracks or breaks while they're drilling it. A reef ready tank comes with the overflows already built into it, its engineered by the...
  9. jmgrn

    how many guys do you think it would take to move a 300g tank

    you should always have one or two extra guys to help with a big tank. At least 4 guys for a 180, no sense in someone rupturing a disc, and thats a real possibility. Vacuum handles are available at most "Rent All" shops, they are a major plus when trying to handle and move something that large...
  10. jmgrn

    tank gurgle

    mmdoug-- Mr. Richard Durso gets all the credit for his innovative solution to the drain noise problem. Another member suggested putting sponges in the overflow to quiet falling water. Bad idea, sponges collect fish goo and everything else, = nitrates! Try covering the surface area of your...
  11. jmgrn

    tank gurgle

    A "Durso" standpipe will cure your problem, try your search. It works, its the best.
  12. jmgrn

    What is the best deal for a RO system

    there are numerous units available, consider how much capacity you need. Many units can be hooked up to your kitchen sink faucet simply by screwing the unit fitting to the faucet nozzle. I installed mine in the cupboard above the sink, drilled two holes in the cupboard floor to accommadate the...
  13. jmgrn

    I Wanna build a 55 gallon reef tank, but where do i start?

    Two good books to start with are- " The New Marine Aquarium", by Michael S. Paletta, and "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist", by Robert M. Fenner. Also do yourself a giant favor, when you decide on the brand of tank you're going to purchase [Oceanic, All-Glass, etc] buy a "reef ready" tank, one...