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  1. trippclark

    Anything better than vinegar for calcium removal?

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills Would just like to add to wear rubber gloves as well. It will burn your skin if you get some on ya. Sounds like a good suggestion. Will do.
  2. trippclark

    Anything better than vinegar for calcium removal?

    Perfect. There is a pool supply store just down the road. Thanks again Bang Guy.
  3. trippclark

    Anything better than vinegar for calcium removal?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bang Guy Muriatic Acid if you're sure it's Calcium carbonate. Be sure to wear a mask and do it outside, it will work fast. Make sure there is no exposed metal or it will be dissolved. Thanks. Is this something that you get at a hardware store? Dissolves metal...
  4. trippclark

    Anything better than vinegar for calcium removal?

    Is there anything more effective than soaking in straight white vinegar for removing calcium build up on tank hardware? I have been soaking my pre-filter / overflow for 24 hours now and still have LOTS of calcium.
  5. trippclark

    Considering shutting down my tank

    PM sent
  6. trippclark

    Considering shutting down my tank

    Well, this weekend was the final straw. The plastic container that was serving as my refugium developed a crack and water leaked all over the floor. I shut down the whole 55 gallon tank. Moved the remaining fish, shrimp, snails, and crabs to my quarantine tank until I can find them a new...
  7. trippclark

    Considering shutting down my tank

    Moderators feel free to move this post to a different forum if it fits better elsewhere. I am giving strong consideration to shutting down my tank after more than a decade. I realize that for the past couple of years that I have kept it up, because I "always" have, but have lost much of the...
  8. trippclark

    Very low KH & high PH

    Originally Posted by chuckcac have you tried Baking Soda? Baking soda = Sodium Bicarbonae... could help with KH still using that Tetra kit?..... Yes to both. Over the past 12 days I have added 15+ tsp of baking soda (not all at once of course). When I do, KH goes up to 7 or so immediately...
  9. trippclark

    Very low KH & high PH

    Well it has been 11 days since last post. I did the additional water change mentioned earlier. Using the Reef Chemistry Calculator suggested by coraljunky and following up with doses of Kent Tech-M, Kent Liquid Calcium, lots of Baking Soda (15 tsp+ over time), and just one dose of Kent...
  10. trippclark

    Very low KH & high PH

    Originally Posted by trippclark Mg is at 1110 on a Salifert test kit. That is lower than ideal, but is it low enough to cause the problems I am experiencing? Just added a dose of 60ml of Tech-M. This is the dosing recommended daily on the product label in order to raise Mg about +18 daily...
  11. trippclark

    Very low KH & high PH

    Originally Posted by coraljunky Did you try the link I posted? Checking it out now
  12. trippclark

    Very low KH & high PH

    Originally Posted by lordlocks try testing your magnesium, if its low bring it up to around 1250 ppm and then test and use buffer. Mg is at 1110 on a Salifert test kit. That is lower than ideal, but is it low enough to cause the problems I am experiencing?
  13. trippclark

    Very low KH & high PH

    Originally Posted by coraljunky Have you tried another test kit? Coraljunky, My PH and CA kits are Salifert and my KH is Tetra. My preference is Salifert but I was unable to find a Salifert KH kit. Anyway, the issue may be my kit, but I don't...
  14. trippclark

    Very low KH & high PH

    I went out of town for nearly two weeks and upon returning my water tests showed VERY low KH (3) and PH (7.8 or 7.9). I used Kent Superbuffer dKH for 3 - 4 days at the prescribed dosing. The PH rose to 8.6 but KH stayed at 3. I have also done three water changes of about 12 gallons, 12...
  15. trippclark

    Need plants for small Refugium

    <BUMP> Still need plants for small Fuge and have been unsuccessful in reaching Smork81 to finalize his offer. I am interested in re-connecting with Smork81 or hearing from anyone else who can spare a few plants for a very small Fuge. Originally Posted by trippclark I need plants for a very...
  16. trippclark

    Royal Gramma - 2 in same tank?

    Originally Posted by GrouperGenius Hey, what about one of those hang in the tank breeder things. At least he's in the better water like you say. That is a thought. Actually, I think that my best next step is to not rush into anything. The little guy has apparently done alright in the sump...
  17. trippclark

    Royal Gramma - 2 in same tank?

    Originally Posted by GrouperGenius Honestly, if you have had the one for 2 years, he's a good established gramma. So many folks have a hard time keeping them for 1 year much less 2. LFS probably won't give you much for either one. I think that my short term solution is to move him from the...
  18. trippclark

    Royal Gramma - 2 in same tank?

    Originally Posted by Reef_Dart21 NO even though its 55 they, unless mated, will fight to the death like fresh water bettas do Ugh . . . this is not good!! I can't believe the little bugger has been living in my sump for nearly 4 weeks now!!!!
  19. trippclark

    Royal Gramma - 2 in same tank?

    Originally Posted by GrouperGenius Maybe someone here will want one. Good thought . . . maybe so. I would not feel comfortable in my ability to package and ship him safely though. I even thought about taking him to my LFS, but since I did not buy from them, well, . . . I'd...
  20. trippclark

    Royal Gramma - 2 in same tank?

    Okay folks, here is the question/problem/situation . . . I went out of town the last week in January and while I was away my son watched over the tank. A few days into the trip he reported that he had not seem my Royal Gramma. I had had the fish 2 years and was a bit surprised that he would...