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  1. trippclark

    Need plants for small Refugium

    I need plants for a very small (about 4 gallon) refugium. I would like to purchase some desirable plants to get it started. I am located in the central South Carolina area.
  2. trippclark

    How long do fish live

    I know that there are a million different parameters here, but I have never seen, heard or read anywhere a good rule of thumb for how long marine fish live in captivity. My own experience has been that not including those fish that never acclimate well and die in the first several weeks, that...
  3. trippclark

    Mixing media in a reactor?

    Well sac10918, it looks like we are on our own with this one. The more I think about it, I cannot see where there would/should be any problems with this. It would be great if extras of the foam rings (like the two that come with the reactor) could be used to separate the reactor into chambers...
  4. trippclark

    Mixing media in a reactor?

  5. trippclark

    Mixing media in a reactor?

    <bump> Any ideas? Will this work? Not?
  6. trippclark

    Mixing media in a reactor?

    I have Purigen in a filter bag that I have placed in my sump. I also have a PhosBan reactor 150 that I have inline between my sump and refugium in which I have 50 g of Phosban based on my tank size. This is 1/3 of the capacity of the reactor, but a proper amount for my tank size. I am...
  7. trippclark

    How do I raise Alk without raising PH?

    <bump> Any way to do this? Alk is still at 5
  8. trippclark

    How do I raise Alk without raising PH?

    Oh yes, BTW, all water changes/top offs are with RO/DI water.
  9. trippclark

    How do I raise Alk without raising PH?

    I've been having my biggest aquarium challenge in years the past 6 weeks trying to get my water chemistry right, and during this time have done many, many small water changes (about 5% every 2 days; totalling 70+ gallons in my 60 gallon system). Originally the problem was high Alkalinity...
  10. trippclark

    Halimeda must go!?!?

    Originally Posted by dadummy i had a problem keeping the calcium up, everyday i added liquid calcium, every day the same reading, splurged for the magnesium test kit, yup, mag was low, raised the mag with kent marine tech M. calcium is holding now, i also have some halimeda, doesn't grow much...
  11. trippclark

    Halimeda must go!?!?

    Thanks for the feedback. As for test kits, I have a mix. For CA the one that I have that seems most reliable is Sera. I also have a Seatest kit, but I don't feel as confident with its results (I have a harder time with it judging "true blue"). Both kits are well within dates on the reagents...
  12. trippclark

    Halimeda must go!?!?

    This post is related to my earlier post "Unhealthy Soft Corals - HELP!" located at I have been really putting the time in on my tank (2-3 hours per night and more on weekends) doing water changes (RO/DI), daily testing...
  13. trippclark

    What is this growing on my rock!?

    Originally Posted by waterpolo how long has your tank been up and running? Forever. Seriously, in its present state with live sand and live rock for 8 or 9 years. Before that with crushed coral. There are some things in the tank that go back 15-16 years when I first started salt. BTW...
  14. trippclark

    What is this growing on my rock!?

    Originally Posted by DeJaCo Can you take a pic zoomed in on the newly appeared object? I D would be easier for all with a larger clearer image. I am going through my invert books now looking for anything with a "fast" growth rate. Here is another picture at a bit closer. Note that I can see...
  15. trippclark

    What is this growing on my rock!?

  16. trippclark

    What is this growing on my rock!?

    Originally Posted by wax32 Wow. No clue. Does it move around? It appears stationary, but I just saw it for the first time 2 hours ago. When I started looking around, I also found more of it growing on the backside of this same rock. It is sort of pretty. I hope that it is nothing bad.
  17. trippclark

    What is this growing on my rock!?

    For the past couple of weeks I have been battling some out of balance levels . . . and algae . . . . and am beginning to get this under control after adding a phosban reactor and doing numerous water changes (see my other recent thread for details). Algae is better, but still not resolved (as...
  18. trippclark

    Unhealthy Soft Corals - HELP!

    Originally Posted by mudplayerx Microalgae can also arise from carbon dioxide saturation and too much lighting. Although nitrates and phospahtes give rise to macroalgae, the algae only needs one of all the mentioned things to bloom. Thanks! I reduced my lighting several weeks ago to now just...
  19. trippclark

    Unhealthy Soft Corals - HELP!

    Yep, I hope adding the new crew will help. I had not really added to the crew in a couple of years and slow gradual declines had taken me to almost none. As best I can tell all of the new peppremint shrimp are okay, but they hide in the rocks mostly and I have never seen more than 5 at a time...
  20. trippclark

    Unhealthy Soft Corals - HELP!

    Originally Posted by Weberian Maybe try Oceanic salt brand. I've been using it, and my calcium is always on the high side. How much live rock do you have?? If coralline algae is growing, then other types of stuff like green algae, brown algae will not be able to grow there. I get the...