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  1. trippclark

    I think that ALL of my corals are DEAD!!!

    Originally Posted by ophiura I think you are doing everything right.... But GOOD LUCK getting anything out of RIO. Do a search for some recent threads on them and see that they are not getting favorable customer service reviews. Many stores will not carry them anymore because they do not tend to...
  2. trippclark

    I think that ALL of my corals are DEAD!!!

    Here is today's update. First off, no more losses that I can see :jumping: As far as condition of corals, green star polyps are continuing to show improvement as are yellow polyps. Zoos continue to be stunned. Some are half closed and some are closed very tight. At least the half closed...
  3. trippclark

    I think that ALL of my corals are DEAD!!!

    No luck yesterday finding a copper test kit or cuprasorb. My local fish store is anything but LOCAL and has very limited Sunday hours. The best I could do yesterday was Petsmart and they had neither available (no surprise there). Most of my green star polyps are back; probably 60% or more...
  4. trippclark

    I think that ALL of my corals are DEAD!!!

    Thanks Grog! I had already done the night water change but have not done one this morning. I'll hold off and let the water age some on this one. I hope you are right about electricity being the culprit. That was my first suspect also, before noticing the blue color in the poly filter. I'll...
  5. trippclark

    I think that ALL of my corals are DEAD!!!

    Well, I have done one 12 gallon water change so far (tank is 55; sump and refugium are about 10 gallons). I am preparing another 12 gallons now to change tonight, then I'll start water for another 12 gallons in the morning. Plans are to get a copper test kit (tomorrow?) and keep changing until...
  6. trippclark

    I think that ALL of my corals are DEAD!!!

    Originally Posted by Schadiest1 if signs of copper are present, i wouldn't just depend on the poly filter to fix your problem. you should do a large water change IMO. i wouldn't panic just yet. just do whatever you can do to remove the copper. how did the wires on your pwrhd become exposed...
  7. trippclark

    I think that ALL of my corals are DEAD!!!

    More info . . . I also have a poly filter in the sump, which you likely know changes colors as it removes "stuff" and the color it changes to varies with what is removed. The poly filter is turning BLUE, which indicates COPPER! :scared: So I guess that exposed wire on the NEW Rio 600 powerhead...
  8. trippclark

    I think that ALL of my corals are DEAD!!!

    I am so worried!!! About three or four weeks ago I replaced a non-functioning and very old Rio 600 powerhead that operates the skimmer in my sump with a new Rio 600. Everything was going along fine . . . or so I thought. Yesterday morning, as I was leaving for work, I noticed that the pump...
  9. trippclark

    Powerheads Lock Up

    Birdy, closed loop??? I am having a hard time picturing what you mean by a closed loop.
  10. trippclark

    Powerheads Lock Up

    Hmmm, so how long can they be expected to last with 400 +/- calcium levels? At the rate I am going I'm gonna need to start stocking spares for when they go out!
  11. trippclark

    Powerheads Lock Up

    Yep, they quit spinning. Sometimes I can open them up and get them working again, but after a few times doing this the lock ups get more frequent until they will not stay going any time at all.
  12. trippclark

    Powerheads Lock Up

    I have a total of six powerheads in my tank -- various brands and sizes performing various tasks of moving water. Some of these I have had for several years all performing quite flawlessly. Within the past year, as I have moved from fish-only to other tank inhabitants, I have been more aware...
  13. trippclark

    Which VHO lights?

    Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately the way my lights are wired together I cannot cut the blues on one hour before and off one hour after, as you suggest, but it does sound like a neat effect. Any other opinions on light combinations from others using VHO?
  14. trippclark

    Which VHO lights?

    About 18 months ago, before deciding to add soft corals to my at that time fish and live rock 55 gallon tank, I upgraded my lighting from 2 normal flourescent bulbs to a new ballast and 4 VHO 48" 110 watt bulbs to give me about 8 watts per gallon. When it came to selecting WHICH VHO bulbs to...
  15. trippclark

    macroealgae turns white

    Thanks for both replies. Regarding light, I am running four 48" VHO flourescents. I checked nitrates 3 days ago and they are at or very near zero on a low level test. I did not test for phosphates. Calcium levels frustrate the heck out of me. I have 3 test kits and get three different...
  16. trippclark

    macroealgae turns white

    I am attaching a picture to better show what I am talking about. In my main tank I have some macroalgae that came on live rock added to the tank over a year ago. The macroalgae has spread moderately in the tank, but for quite some time, some of the ends turn white and drop off. See image...
  17. trippclark

    Strange worm in sandbed - what???

    Sounds like spashetti worms are what I have. Just in case, see photo attached.
  18. trippclark

    Blue Hippo Tang - wounds/scratches

    Yep, I have had one in my tank for about 8 years. I assume that it still works okay.
  19. trippclark

    Strange worm in sandbed - what???

    I have tried to get pictures of it, but it is so small that my autofocus camera does not detect and focus on it. I'll try again with a tripod (might help). What I mean is that it is about the color of an earthworm and has a similar semi-translucency. You can see tiny organs or vessels within...
  20. trippclark

    Blue Hippo Tang - wounds/scratches

    Beth and others, Thought I would close the loop on this thread. Aparently the scratches were stress related caused by scraping against the rocks soon after introduction. Within a few days they cleared up and he is doing great now. I did start adding zoecon to food as Beth suggested. Thanks...