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  1. toytek

    xenia ???

    what are the best corals to start with? toytek
  2. toytek

    So who doesn't do water changes?

    I think that I might just have found my problem! I do a water change evey 2 weeks, then the shrooms look sad and fish are mad! HUMMMMM!!!!!! toytek
  3. toytek

    xenia ???

    This is all I know. light moderate, what do they mean by this??? place them on the bottom,ph 8.3 ??? Is this a good one?? They are all frags. for $5.00, is this a good price? colt coral???? toad stool??? bullseye??? toytek
  4. toytek

    cabbage corals?

    What can you tell me about these. How hard are they to grow??? Life spand?? toytek
  5. toytek


    Thanks, I have looked at lights all day they are running from 175.00 to 300.00 , is that too much??? Do you guys have any pictures of a canopy that you you have made??? What is the exact purpose of this ??? Is it to keep more light in the tank??? Or to keep it cool??? toyek???
  6. toytek


    Which is the best for a reef tank?? toytek
  7. toytek


    So what can I have with the light I have now. How much more will I have to spend to have more ?? 200.00plus??how much are they?? My shrooms are not like the pictures I have seen on here. I think that you guys feed them miracle grow,you know I have had mine for 3 years they don't look like...
  8. toytek


    Thanks, I want to read and study more. toytek
  9. toytek

    The "DO NOT..." Advice List for Saltwater Aquarists

    DO NOT polish nails then clean tank!!!!! Do Not :( bug bomb house and not cover tank!!! Do Not leave frozen brine shrimp out over night and feed a few days later!!!
  10. toytek


    acttinic blue 50/50 40 watt second one is Fresh/saltwater 40 watt.(know I need someting different,but what?)I looked at a new light today,it was 125.00 used.It only had 4 small bulbs and one white/one blue.I really did not like the looks of it.It looked cheep,no fans either. (AND USED) I want to...
  11. toytek


    What do I need to know about them??? Can I set up my old 10 gal and have one or 2??? What kind of lighting and food???? Are they easy to keep??? Which one should you start with???? toytek
  12. toytek


    What corals can you have in a 55 gal with 2 clowns,2 fire fish,2 PJ's and 3 blue dam"fish" They are very aggresive,3 years old. I have 2 umbrella shrooms and maybe 3 other shrooms there size is small. I would like to have something that is easy to keep. HELP!!!!!
  13. toytek

    fire worms /bristle worms???

    Are these the same kind of worm??? toytek
  14. toytek

    clean up crew????

    sorry,I can't fix that post,I put a p and now it hahs that. I was not being rude. Hey is that a brain on the botton in that picture?? toytek
  15. toytek

    clean up crew????

    :cool:picture! How big will they get??? can I have more than one in a 55 gal??? toytek
  16. toytek

    clean up crew????

  17. toytek


    No anomie tank! Guess i will stick to them there rock one's. I just thought that clowns had to have a home to be happy! Thanks, toytek
  18. toytek


    I have had problems with anomies living in my tank. What am I doing wrong? I have not had one for a year,I do have 3 flower or rock anomies and they are pretty,green,off white and brown with white and pink tips.Never have a problem with them. Seabays, in a week they turn off white and die...
  19. toytek

    clean up crew????

    I guess that tells me he had one too many chicken pot pies huh! HUMMMMMM!The tank is on a strike.... NO MORE CHICKEN!!! I have also learned form reading ya'lls post that North Ga.(Blairsville Ga.)knows nothing of the sort about a saltwater set up period. I guess you learn from experience of...
  20. toytek

    Salt mix??????

    Instant ocean got the sale. Now, is it o.k. to order in the 5 gal that is less money??? Or should I stay with the bags??? I don't know if it will have less strenth over a period of time, or not.Thanks for all of the help, you guys are very helpful.I was on here till like 3am last night just...