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  1. toytek

    Salt mix??????

    Which salt mix do you use??? I have used 2 kinds ,when I first set up Instant ocean. Then swiched to reef crystals as, I got mushrooms! I have seen no change. Is there really a difference & why??? toytek
  2. toytek

    clean up crew????

    I think that I just caused my Arrow crab bad luck. It was on the bottom this morning dead! I have checked all of the test, nothing is wrong. Now, I have no shrimp ,coral band all of these guys have fought till death over a peroid of 3 years. So if I only have blue legs, red legs and snails...
  3. toytek

    clean up crew????

    Thanks, I won't a community tank. I do have a some what large arrow crab, but I can exchange it at the pet store that I got it from. Do you think that I should?? I have had him (it) for 3 years.He likes raw chicken. toytek
  4. toytek

    star fish

    Thanks , they do look like that picture. toytek
  5. toytek

    star fish

    I have a out break of what ,I think might be small star fish??? They started as 1or2 now I have 9. They look like a star fish,flat,each one almost has a different color, but the bottoms are white,they mostly stay on the glass & rock in the back. They have 6 legs though?? Is this a star fish or...
  6. toytek

    Way to tell if you have bristle worms?

    Do they not eat your corals,ect??? Is there no harm in them?? Some of them are come out when you feed . Toytek
  7. toytek

    clean up crew????

    For a 55 gal.,how many snails ect...,should you have more than the 55 gal. package allows??? How many is too many??? Do peppermint shrimp,eat anomies??? Can you have more than 1 arrow crab? What should you not have if you want to have soft corals??? Toytek #8
  8. toytek

    Way to tell if you have bristle worms?

    How do you get rid of them???? I have read to take out rock and dip in a high salt, or to dip in fresh water. (would that not kill off the polyps and ect.?) I have a home made pipe, that I use to catch them in .It will work sometimes, but not all the time. Is there a better way?? toytek
  9. toytek

    55gal. stocking list

    what fish go with2 clowns,2pj's,2fire fish??In a 55 gal? toytek
  10. toytek

    protein skimmer is releasing lots of air bubbles into the tank

    Should your skimmer run 24/7???? toytek
  11. toytek

    Need some info about salt tank.

    I'm already getting dogged!HEHEEEEE!Just kidding. Test -nitrate-0.5,nitrite-0,I never have that.ammonia-0,i don't have a problem with,is hard for me to keep it perfact, for some reason it is,7.8-8.0,I put in Kent ph buffer. Salt reads,1.022-1.024I never let it get any higher.I'm always...
  12. toytek

    Need some info about salt tank.

    I have a 55gal tank. Protine skimmer,bottom 3box fliter,3 /405 power heads, live sand about 3"thick all the way through,live rock 300lbs, about 10lbs of lace and I call it dead rock.They an't nothing on it!I bought it out of the box. Now fish wize,I have 2 brittle stars,3 flower anomies, 2...
  13. toytek

    Need some info about salt tank.

    Hi, I'm new at this so give me a chance to learn how to do this. I need to know how long after you have a saltwater crash that you can add a few things back.It has been a year. I have a few fish and a few mushrooms, that is all. It is a 55gal tank. Can you help me??? toytek