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  1. drama3

    210 stock list?

    i've got the amircle pl3000 has two protein skimmers attached and I'm usually good about the water changes. my plan is to get the emperor next then probably get the huma and grouper together next and finally the clown. So what you're telling me is no blackedge thats kind of disappointing. I'm...
  2. drama3

    210 stock list?

    what about replacing the eel with a Huma Huma trigger then and if I replace the eel then I'd probably want to add one more fish to the list also. Any suggestions?
  3. drama3

    210 stock list?

    ok gents need some suggestions for my 210 i already have striped puffer naso tang Yellow tang Planning to get Emperor Angel blackedge eel green dot grouper clown trigger- would be the last purchase any suggestions for others or any feedback on my plan?
  4. drama3

    porcupine puffer help

    Thanks for all the help he has been a little more active since trying the guppies and he's eaten the frozen krill a little bit more. I'm about to add a yellow tang to the tank so maybe that may help his activity by having some more fish around.
  5. drama3

    porcupine puffer help

    I'll try to post pics asap, I tried guppies last night and that at least seem to up his activity. He was really interested in them and he came out from hiding and swam around so that was at least one positive. As of yet I'm not sure if he ate any, he didn't last night. But I'll check once I...
  6. drama3

    porcupine puffer help

    I've only seen him eat once! and his beak is growing
  7. drama3

    porcupine puffer help

    I've had my porcupine puffer for 2 weeks now day 1 he swam around alot and no problems. Since then he hides in my rocks most of the time. I've only seen him go after any food once and that was some frozen krill. I only have the damsels and hermit crabs in the tank (210 gal) cause I'm adding...
  8. drama3

    big tanks

    I agree with gasguzler it really depends on the age of the house. If it is an older home you may need some additional support. I had a home built in the 1920's and would not put anything larger than a 155 on the second floor.
  9. drama3

    Fish Suggestions 210 gal

    I'm running a amiracle pl3000 which includes protein skimmers and it has the biological, chemical, and mechanical filtration. So I hope this would be enough as far as filtration. I'll wait on the eel. So the 210 should be enought to hold these fish?
  10. drama3

    Fish Suggestions 210 gal

    Here is what i was thinking a clown trigger, bursa trigger, and a assasi trigger, plus the yellow tang, a porcupine puffer, and a biclor angelfish. I would be willing to substitute one for the eel, any suggestions?
  11. drama3

    Fish Suggestions 210 gal

    Tank is not up and running I've been waiting until I decide on the fish and the decor. Everything is ready to go I have the crushed coral and the salt and everything else just waiting to finalize fish. I thought about adding a puffer also. I'd like to do an eel but could I do, 2 triggers (1...
  12. drama3

    Fish Suggestions 210 gal

    Looking to get some suggestions on aggressive saltwater fish. I've done the freshwater circuit for over 15 years, piranahs (black and redbellies), convicts, red devils, jacks, snakeheads, etc... Now I'm looking for something new and decided on a saltwater tank. I have a 210 gal using an...
  13. drama3

    Fish Suggestions

    thanks mattiej I am not hell bent on sharks I have read a little on puffers and triggers the more info you have to give the better. I'm open honestly I just want to try something new with the saltwater since I've done freshwater for so long and also stay with the aggressive fish. Any...
  14. drama3

    Fish Suggestions

    Hi All looking for suggestions on a new 210 saltwater tank I'm setting up. I welcome suggestions for fish and decorations. I've always been into aggressive fish but always freshwater. I've kept several different types of piranha's for over 10 years red belly, black etc... Red Devils...