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  1. turbocav250

    Is this right? Please check out that link and tell me if i'm on the right track. If you have any questions post a reply or email me. Or just let me know if its all good.... Thanks in advance Dan
  2. turbocav250

    Is this a Deal or What!!!?!

    Thanks for the help guys! A few more questions: Why did you say "no bioballs" when relating to the sump? The pumps that you mentioned are they insump? Should I purchase one of those ballasts or should i hold out for a retrofit? I'm in no hurry to set this up but I think i am going to go with the...
  3. turbocav250

    Is this a Deal or What!!!?!

    anybody else out there?:notsure:
  4. turbocav250

    Is this a Deal or What!!!?!

    me- what sump do you recommend and how much? answer- americle sump $200 how are these units? Should i just use a regular fish tank for the sump? me - how am i going to pump the water back into the tank? answer - hagen powerhead 802(not sure on model?) is this possible? I thought you needed...
  5. turbocav250

    Is this a Deal or What!!!?!

    I was at my local AGA Authorized Dealer and he offered me a 90 Gallon Reef ready with stand, plumbing, glass hood, and canopy for 589 out the door. He seemed very knowledgable within reefkeeping saying he was doing it for the past 30 years but a few things he said didn't register completely. me-...
  6. turbocav250

    Feather Duster Eggs???

    But theres so much of it! Its been going on constantly for the past 2 days.
  7. turbocav250

    Feather Duster Eggs???

    Hey guys I have one Feather Duster in my tank that has been spewing these small sacs that almost look like fish waste for the past few days. One day it was inside its shaft almost entirely for the day. But today it has been ejecting these sacs. What are they? Are they feather duster eggs? If not...
  8. turbocav250

    Coral Beauty Eternal Sleep

    Ok I need Live Rock you say: How much of it and where? Ok I need Live Sand: How much and where? OK i need liquid reactor: Where and how much? I have no protien Skimmer. My lighting is horrible. I think my GSP's are dying because they are turning pale brown.
  9. turbocav250

    Coral Beauty Eternal Sleep

    I dont have any live rock the PH is 7.9 I never tested for any of the other parameters.
  10. turbocav250

    A Little Advise Never Hurt

    Alright So I would just test to see if the ammonia, nitrates, nitrates are all at zero?
  11. turbocav250

    Coral Beauty Eternal Sleep

    My PH Tester Says the PH is Ideal and the Salinity Tester Says 1.022
  12. turbocav250

    Coral Beauty Eternal Sleep

    I lost my coral beauty of two days this morning. I think it was because it was too stressed out. My tank has been up and running for 2 weeks now and I think it was cycled fully. I also have a feather duster, 3 damsels, 1 colony of GSP, one coral banded shrimp and 2 hermits in a 30 gallon tank...
  13. turbocav250

    What is this!?!

    Anyone know how long it will take to form a large colony of these and is there any way I can make it occur faster or help it grow. Also the coral beauty wont eat my flake food
  14. turbocav250

    Best Place For Live Rock

    LOL ok Compliance Then how is the rock from this online store?
  15. turbocav250

    Best Place For Live Rock

    Whats LFS? Anyone ever order from Aquarium Arts Before?
  16. turbocav250

    Best Place For Live Rock

    Where is the best place to buy live rock I have a 30 gallon tank that I want to make into a reef tank. Where should I get the rock and how much 30lb-30gallon? I have crushed coral as the substrate now. Dan:cool:
  17. turbocav250

    A Little Advise Never Hurt

    So far the Star Polyps are doing fine but I"ve only had them 2 days now. I want to do this right the first time Well try to anyways. Should I ditch the airtsones and get a powerhead? What about an exact lighting fixture? I'm not sure on the model of the heater but it serves its purpose. The...
  18. turbocav250

    A Little Advise Never Hurt

    Hey guys I was overwhelmed with the amount of responses I got for the What is this !?! thread so I figured I would ask another question. Here is my complete setup so I helps you out alittle. 30 Gallon Long 27" Tank Old Perfecto Single Bulb Ballast 304 Fluval Canister Filter In_Tank 150 Watt...
  19. turbocav250

    What is this!?!

    Hey guys thanks for your help I guess I made out pretty good. I'll leave them in the tank to see what happens. I have a coral banded shrimp, coral beauty angel, maroon clown, 2 hermits and 3 damsels. Nothing is going to eat the star polyps is there? Also I have a feather duster. What can I feed...
  20. turbocav250

    What is this!?!

    Hey guys I'm new to this forum I have a 30 Gallon Saltwater Tank and a 30 Gallon Freshwater Tank. I recently got this rock with these organisms from the pet store. They gave it to me because they didn't know what it was. Please help me out the only thing I think it could be is apiastia. Thank...