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  1. dragracer

    dumb rookie question

    I am ready to upgrade my FO tank to my question is.........all of the pics I see of live rock with beautiful blooms and all the good stuff on that in the rock when bought or should I be embarrassed for asking. Could someone explain the LR phenomenon to me? Please...
  2. dragracer

    Tell me what u think

    well, keep an eye on him.......sometimes they tend to snack on clean up crews.......mine doesn't, but i hear i am a lucky minority
  3. dragracer

    Cuddling Puffers?

    interracial lovers!!:D
  4. dragracer

    Live Rock Prep long do you say i should cure it?
  5. dragracer

    Live Sand

    I just did the cc swap to sand yesterday. Southdown is from Easton PA.........silica free.........good stuff, I like it so far, most people I have asked on here love it, but you wanna hear something funny..........say right on the bag........NOT FOR AQUARIUM USE!!
  6. dragracer

    Live Rock Prep

    Ok, I have had a fish only tank for 8 months.......I ran out of money in the fish tank fund. But now I am ready to add a small amount of live rock as a start. My params are perfect for fish only, but what else do I need to add live rock?
  7. dragracer

    hobby pics

    Its cool if you know what you're doing. Sometimes I just get to venting because the imports at Maple Grove give all you guys a bad name.........if you couldn't tell......sometimes I tend to be closedminded!
  8. dragracer

    hobby pics

    I know there is a purpose.........but for the car you bring in off the street.....its more work than its worth........pull out a headlight for less that .001 of a second. Hey the chevelle has no headlight.......we made a ram air system. But I'm sorry.......I have a problem with the import...
  9. dragracer

    pics of you guys!

    the man, the myth, the drummer.........ME!
  10. dragracer

    hobby pics

    nah, I am anti juice. Take out the seat and sit on a crate.......haha its a chevelle not an import......maybe I should take out one headlight and put a big ass spoiler on the back!!
  11. dragracer


    So, whats the general opinion?
  12. dragracer

    should i pull the trigger

    I'm gonna go ahead and say take Armegeddon's advice over mine.......he's is much more knowledgable than me. Like I said, I don't have a reef tank so i am only telling you what I've read. Nontheless, I love my Huma!!
  13. dragracer

    should i pull the trigger

    He may mess with corals as he gets older. I've been behind the drums for9 years. I Have a Ludwig Elite Rocker with DW pedals and stand and Paiste cymbals with a Zil Bel. A Pearl piccolo snare.......very loud!!
  14. dragracer

    should i pull the trigger

    Here is my opinion, no Huma's are not reef safe....but they are now AS distructive. I am not taking anything away from reef tanks, because once I gain more experience I'd like to have a reef tank, but my Huma Huma is the single most entertaining fish I have ever had. He is so much fun to...
  15. dragracer

    should i pull the trigger

    First I gotta ask you, have you ever had a Huma Huma?
  16. dragracer

    my project for today

    ARG!!!!! CLoudy mess! Er, let me rephrase.......was settling was just about clear.......but like I said in my last post, Huma man was landscaping..........yeah, he is making a mess!!!! Aw but its fun to watch him!
  17. dragracer

    my project for today

    Ok, today I took the task of changing my CC over to sand. I've read up on some of the debating on here and went with (i have a 55 gallon FO) I went with , now some may repromand me, but Iwent with Southdown.......50lbs of it and on top of the 30lbs of LS. I was able to save all but about 5...
  18. dragracer

    break time

    Hey guys, just popped in on my break.......I am switching from CC to Sand. I got some Southdown(50 lbs) with 20 lbs of LS. I am now in the process of putting my water back in the tank. Its cloudy so I am giving it some settle time.
  19. dragracer

    hobby pics

    wait, eventually I will fingure out how to get the Chevelle up on here. You wanna hear frustrating...........11.004...........THAT close to 10.99. AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGG
  20. dragracer

    dinner time

    suddenly I am not so hungry anymore