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  1. dragracer

    Humu Humu Trigger Gets ALONG!!

    My huma huma is a blast. He pals around with my clown. He spits water out of the tank when i feed him. He is always looking for attention. He never messes with my hermits.......he left my Scooter Blenny alone but when it came to shrimp........forget it........he had them in his mouth...
  2. dragracer

    What fish is this?

    Hi Bella.....saw you were from Reading.....I'm 45 minutes away........hang out in Fleetwood alot. Any good LFS in Reading.....I like Lancasters That Fish Place.
  3. dragracer


    Thanks for your help. I did however find my problem. I learned something thing this airstones. Because it basically makes a mess around the tank........which I had known, so a draped tin foil over the back of my tank where the hood was opened. Not thinking to check it I didn't...
  4. dragracer

    Tigger people: can I add this fish?

    I am with you on this Eric. I have a Huma Huma, he's about 2 inches........he pals around with my clown and doesn't bother anything in the tank........with one exception............I HAD a camel back shrimp for about 15 minutes. He is a cool fish, great personality........spits water out of...
  5. dragracer


    Thanks for the help. I don't use any chemicals in or around the tank. I will do a water change, but now when I got home this afternoon, I tested the water again, its all good, and the fish are back to normal........could it have been some sort of spike overnight and it went back to normal??
  6. dragracer

    Skooter Died

    Sorry to hear it. I too just suffered the loss of a Scooter, just this morning actaully. He was my buddy. Unfortunatly I was sold a scooter by an LFS store that didn't tell me any info on the little fella.....scratch that.......didn't tell me correct info. I told them I had a fish only tank...
  7. dragracer


    This morning I woke up to find my scooter blenny laying upside down dead next to my camel shrimp who met the same fate. MY Huma Huma seemed fine last night but now he is breathing heavy and it sitting on a rock, acting very strange. I tested all of my water and all the tests came out good. No...
  8. dragracer

    another rookie mistake

    Of course its a pain in the butt....if it was easy everyone would have a salt tank. Nah, I love this and learn. I like your idea....BUT....doesn't it make a mess out of the tank that way?
  9. dragracer

    another rookie mistake

    Ok, I got info from an LFS before I found this site.......They said crushed coral was so wonderful for a salt water tank. ANd since I found this site, I have learned otherwise. My question is....the tank is 8 months do I go about switching over from CC to sand? I know I can...
  10. dragracer

    Will a large hermit become food?

    Well, this doesn't help with your Clown Trigger or you Lion, but my Huma Huma teams up with my large hermit and then eat shrimp together. They have been a team, and I don't beleive the Huma Huma will ever go after the the hermit bit the Huma once and let him know he wasn't...
  11. dragracer

    no airstone??

    Ok I saw a thread that someone posted saying "whatever you do, no airstone" I understand about it caking salt all over the glass. But I thought airstone were necessary to any tank??
  12. dragracer

    Oops effecient clean-up crew gave me an answer.........kinda....actually they eliminated the option. They gobbled up the shrimp very fast.......can you blame em, they're good!!
  13. dragracer


    I am at the LFS today.......just browsing, and I saw some camel shrimp. Cool. Hey fish man, can I have two of them. Bring them.......get them all set up......hour of acclimation......."heres your new home fella"..........I didn't think the trigger would bother them.......or if he...
  14. dragracer

    huma huma fat lip

    I will do that. He's a real attention. He'll come right up to me so I can get good looks at him daily.......hourly.....Thanks Beth
  15. dragracer


    Ok, I am setting up a 10 gallon QT.......all params are where they should be........EXCEPT one. Yesterday I tested it and the ammonia was its up around 8ppm. I used a cup of sunbstrate from my display......all params only question is.....what the heck?? why did...
  16. dragracer

    huma huma fat lip

    First off thanks for the answers........second......It looks like I am impatient, but I posted it in Discussion too, and Rye moved it here. Anywho......all the water tests are right where they should be. As far as aggression.......two possible culprits......big blue leg hermit or fiesty little...
  17. dragracer

    The "DO NOT..." Advice List for Saltwater Aquarists

    DO NOT let the lfs worker who told the customer that a 55 gallon FOWLR tank would be "plenty large enough" for a pinnatius batfish go on living. That boy shoulda been fired on the spot.
  18. dragracer

    Huma Huma

    I posted this in the discussion area and got no replys. I took notice that my Huma Huma has developed what appears to be a fat lip. Thats the only way I can think to describe it. Literally looks like he got punched in the mouth! Any ideas??
  19. dragracer

    huma huma fat lip

    no suggestions?
  20. dragracer

    huma huma fat lip

    I was watching my huma huma cruise around is domian today and I took notice to what looks like a fat lip......thats the first thing that came to my mind. I don't know what it could be. Any guesses?