Search results

  1. edub

    What is this thing?!?

    I don't think so... I have plenty of spirobid worms and these do not look the same. This thing is about 1-2 inches long and the white lines are actually individual white specks. I'm thinking that a snail may have slowly laid eggs or something...
  2. edub

    What is this thing?!?

    This appeared on my glass today - there's a virtually identical one on another location on the glass. Are they eggs from snails? Anyone? Thanks!
  3. edub

    5' Light fixture on a 6' tank

    the 60" fixture I'm looking at has 3 MHs and 2 VHOs. The 6" on each side will hopefully give enough room to "breathe"... Thanks for the input!
  4. edub

    5' Light fixture on a 6' tank

    Not sure which board to post this on... Anyone have any input on putting a 60" fixture on a 72" tank? Does anyone have a similar arrangement? I like the simplicity of a complete, preassembled fixture (3 250 HQI MH and 2 VHO) but I also want to have a pseudo canopy (kind of like a top of the...
  5. edub

    Cutting acrylic with a wet saw?

    Has anybody tried it??
  6. edub

    How heavy is a 180 w/o water?

    Thanks!! I better start working out...
  7. edub

    How heavy is a 180 w/o water?

    Is there a good way to get a general idea of how heavy a tank is? I'm planning a 180 and I'm curious as to how much I'll have to lift (or how many people I'll need to help...). Thanks!
  8. edub

    ID please...

  9. edub

    ID please...

    Are there any differences in nocturnal behavior between the capnella and the sinularia??
  10. edub

    ID please...

    There are no feathers - just typical polyps with 6 or so tentacles.
  11. edub

    ID please...

    Here it is under different lighting...
  12. edub

    ID please...

  13. edub

    ID please...

    I picked this up over the weekend and I'd like to verify... I was told it is a finger leather coral - It's yellow in color.
  14. edub

    Help!! Kind of OT...

  15. edub

    Help!! Kind of OT...

    that sounds like it will work - can you try to attach it again??
  16. edub

    Help!! Kind of OT...

    I'm looking for a cartoon of a fish that is crammed into a tiny tank - I've seen it before but I can't remember where. I'm giving a presentation on fish compatibility and fish vs tank size and I'd like a funny visual (on a serious topic). Anyone have an idea??? Thanks!
  17. edub

    Help w/ Lights of America Fixture!!

    Sweet - thanks. I got it working - after I covered the photodiode... Thanks again.
  18. edub

    Help w/ Lights of America Fixture!!

    I just bought the $40 65W fixture from HD. How do I wire it up? What gauge wire? Any and all help needed. Thanks.
  19. edub

    All-Glass Megaflow & S/F Setup Questions

    I just bought a 72 reef ready BF about two months ago.... I am also using the mag drive 700 which I figure is around 420 gph at my pumping height. As for valves, I don't have 'em. Just gravity. If the pump fails, or the power goes out, the tank won't drain below the bottom of the plastic...
  20. edub

    Suction cup ammonia alerts...

    I've got one - but I don't know if it works. My ammonia is 0 so I won't know if it works unless I have a problem... And so far, the dot in the middle has remained yellow. Does anyone have one of these ammonia testers - and have you seen it work?? Thanks.