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  1. coraldude


    I feel your pain. I have a rock that had 6 mushrooms on it. Mexican Turbo Snails kept knocking it over and now it only has one.
  2. coraldude

    Hammer Coral

    I was assuming that it it a branching hammer coral. You can cut it off with a drimel tool or just use wire cutters if there is no flesh close to the cut.
  3. coraldude

    Hammer Coral

    It can take a couple of days to open up, but if you are sure it is dead then cut it off. I had a frogspawn that died one head at a time until I cut the dieing heads off. Then it stopped, but I lost 1/3 of my frogspawn.
  4. coraldude

    Hitchhiker ID Help Please

    WOW! This is the first thread I've seen on here where aiptasia is spelled correctly. The second pic could be colonial anenomes, but the pic is too blurry to tell for sure.
  5. coraldude

    Post Pics Of Your Clownfish

    Originally Posted by CoralDude Here's my Black Ocellaris (who has recently hosted with some orange zoos , haven't been able to get a pic yet) I finally got a pic! (Not the best pic, but it took me an hour of taking pictures)
  6. coraldude

    Zoos Still Disappearing

    I'm having the same problem. Mine are stretching out and have white spots on them. The stalk becomes pinched and breaks off. I'm thinking it might be Zoa Pox.
  7. coraldude

    Are these the same type of clown?

    Originally Posted by bs21 what looks bad about him? The clamped fins, sunken belly and visible lateral line. The other one looks healthy though.
  8. coraldude

    Aliens kidnapped my Coral Banded Shrimp...

    I've looked EVERYWHERE the shrimp could have been. I'm sticking with the alien theory. I just wish I knew exactly what happened. I'm scared to get another shrimp now.
  9. coraldude

    Aliens kidnapped my Coral Banded Shrimp...

    Yes that's right, aliens took my Coral Banded Shrimp. It was in my 7.3Gal nano yesterday and now it's gone. I took out all of the LR and searched for it. I checked in on the floor around the tank. I could't find any trace of it. It was a pretty big shrimp. How could it just disappear? The tank...
  10. coraldude

    Are these the same type of clown?

    The first one definitely looks like an ocellaris. The second one could be a true perc (notice the black lines are wider) but is not a B&W ocellaris. Also, the second one looks to be in very bad shape. I would think twice about purchasing from that LFS in the future.
  11. coraldude

    Paris ------ blowjob pictures

    Go AWAY!!!!
  12. coraldude

    new corals!!!!!

    There are laws against posting without pics!
  13. coraldude

    Post Pics Of Your Clownfish

    Here's my Black Ocellaris (who has recently hosted with some orange zoos , haven't been able to get a pic yet) and here's my two Orange Ocellaris clowns (who still have not hosted with ANYTHING )
  14. coraldude

    Zoanthid Pox?

    They didn't start stretching until they became pinched with the white spots. Notice the polyps laying in the sand on the right side? It's 260w PC on a 55gal and this particular frag is at the bottom. It has spread to a few other frags in the tank. Even ones close to the top have started stretching.
  15. coraldude

    Zoanthid Pox?

  16. coraldude

    Could this be Bubble reserection?

    The pic is too zoomed out to tell. I've heard that sometimes if there is just a little bit of the flesh still living that it can regenerate. I've never personally seen this though.
  17. coraldude

    Zoanthid Pox?

    Does this look like Zoanthid Pox? If not what could it be?
  18. coraldude

    new colt coral swollen!

    Sounds normal to me. Corals will inflate more when the day lights are on.
  19. coraldude

    Fun LITTLE project - need suggestions

    Originally Posted by jhebi How thick does the acrylic sheet need to be? i want to try to build a cube tank for frags. I used acrylic sheets from Home Depot but I would recommend using thicker sheets for anything bigger.
  20. coraldude

    Fun LITTLE project - need suggestions

    I built this 7.3 gallon nano out of acrylic. Just get acrylic sheets and use Weld-on #3.