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  1. joker

    sea horse has fungus

    new head shots #1
  2. joker

    sea horse has fungus

    new # 2 of tail. OOPS there are only 2 at this time
  3. joker

    sea horse has fungus

    new pic of fungus on tail. may be hard to see, but wife is attempting to get other pics. 2 more to follow
  4. joker

    sea horse has fungus

    2nd pic
  5. joker

    sea horse has fungus

    trying to post the pics, there are 2 ready
  6. joker

    sea horse has fungus

    OK This is also posted in reef tank thread, hoping Sheree might know what it is. Sorry about having to cross post. Tank is a 29 gal hex. 20# LR 20# LS this is a fish only tank. it is about 2 months old. I can not give parameters at this time due to bad readings from red sea test kit. Have a...
  7. joker

    Sheree need assist please

    sorry I really need sheree to see the clear pics. Wife is a member of, and they dont even know what it is
  8. joker

    Need help quick please two condi anemones in same tank???

    I have 2 condi's in my 55. I have not had any problems with them at all. They stay on opposite ends of tank. They do move quite often, but they mainly stay away from each other.
  9. joker

    Sheree need assist please

  10. joker

    Sheree need assist please

    different angle
  11. joker

    Sheree need assist please

    ok just was working with the digi camera and got some good shots. had to adjust the brightness alittle, but I think you can see them better now. pic 1
  12. joker

    Sheree need assist please

    we will try the betadine qtip as you suggest, also will apply Melafix. Thank you for your speedy reply Joker :)
  13. joker

    Sheree need assist please

    Kelly, thanks for the reply. My wife just posted on on the medical board there. She is going to get Melafix in the am. Also, as we were reading there, we noticed everyone had low 70's temp. Her temp is even 80, so we are dropping the temp down over the next several hours to 75...
  14. joker

    Sheree need assist please

    last for now. I think the marking on her abdomen is just markings
  15. joker

    Sheree need assist please

  16. joker

    Sheree need assist please

    sorry I cant get clearer pics. I need a better filter.
  17. joker

    Sheree need assist please

    Wife has a sea horse, forget which type. LFS said it was aquacultured, but we are definitely sure it was wild caught. 2 weeks ago, she bought a new yellow seahorse from another LFS, and it was fine for 1.5 weeks. suddenly, the new horse started swimming erratically, and started rubbing...
  18. joker

    reliable test kit

  19. joker

    Bug of the Week - Cirolanid Isopods

    I had one attach to my Mandarin just beside his Dorsal fin. The only way that I could get it off was with a hemostat (sp). put my Mandarin in shock for awhile, but he survived nicely. Then, the other week, I was checking the seals on my HOB overflow and found one in the prefilter. Both went...
  20. joker

    reliable test kit

    I have 2 red sea test kits and they give different readings. I am willing to pay the money for the best kit, but there are so many out there, I am not sure which one is the most reliable. I can get a "Hagen Master dealers" kit for around $90.