Search results

  1. barryi

    diseased flame hawk

    the flame hawk i have has been in my tank for probably about 3 weeks now. It is in a 37 with a christmas wrasse and a snowflake moray. It is eating fine but has been fed mostly flakes. Its color has faded a bit and it has these white translucent long things on it that are tiny and i am pretty...
  2. barryi

    Some Pics For ya

    awesome ricordia and zooanthids
  3. barryi

    bristle worms

    i have a 37 gallon tank and it actually has an eel and shrooms in there. i've recently found a few bristleworms. should i take the liverock and put it in tap water to get these pests out? what have you guys done to get them out?
  4. barryi

    electric eel fear factor

    this is kinda off topic but when they would grab the eels and clench them in their fists, was that animal abuse? they women were being shocked and they had to transfer them into a different container and the water was being splashed really hard and the eels were wery squirmy. if anyone else saw...
  5. barryi

    Brazillian Flameback Angels

    i had one in a 55 reef. It was evil to my firefish but eventually lightened up. The only problem we had with it was that it would eat algae off my clam which would shut the clam up. my lfs sells them all the time for about 60. we got ours for 39. that was when they didnt know much about them.
  6. barryi

    seafans in general

    also, would the eel, angel, or hawk do anything to mushrooms?
  7. barryi

    where to place mushroom coral

    keep it in lower lighting and it will do fine. also, from my experiences, they like salinity at 1.020-1.023.
  8. barryi

    seafans in general

    i just have a question about seafans. I currently have 2 tanks. One is a 55 reef that has about 8 corals and 10 fish. (we buy ro water and 6 of the fish are chromis. the other ones are a 6line wrasse, fang blenny and a pair of firefish.) my lighting is a 4 by 96 power compact. would this...
  9. barryi

    recommend sharks please

    im no shark expert but i know that the bamboos are fairly hardy and cheaper. you couldnt do a white tip reef shark or a black tip reef shark because the tank is too small.
  10. barryi

    My new eel eating

    can shrooms be kept with an eel, angel, and puffer?
  11. barryi

    dwarf seahorse

    i thought that dwarf sea horses were actually supposed to be kept in nano tanks. does oceanriders sell dwarf sea horses? is there a place that sells brine shrimp hatcheries also?
  12. barryi

    dwarf seahorse

    i have a 10 gallon not in use. I was wondering how hardy these guys are if you can hatch and grow brine shrimp? does anyone know any good sea horse breeders either? Thanks
  13. barryi

    copperband butterfly in a 37?

    i was wondering if i could keep a copperband butterfly in a 37 gallon tank with a snowflake moray and a dwarf angel. would the butterfly have enough swimming room for about 9-12 months? i would move it into a 180 by the beginning of 2004.
  14. barryi's prices

    i know. the stuff is sold out
  15. barryi's prices

    does anyone know the price of the gold coral banded, the Red Sea Sailfin Tang and the Blonde Naso Tang?
  16. barryi

    What kind of fish do you keep in your 75g

    GET A TANG!!!
  17. barryi

    bigger tank

    i want to get a bigger tank. I dont care what size it is but it need these dimensions: 48 by 13 and the height is anything. does anyone know a tank like this bigger than a 55? if so, please tell me because i want to change my 55 to a higher tank so i can possibly fit a tang in there. thanks.
  18. barryi

    i was just wondering how come they sell stuff so cheap? ($35 for a queen angel,18 for a cuban hog, orchid dottyback 26?)
  19. barryi

    Let's see your Naso

    nice naso! just wondering what size tank is that? (i want one of these guys)
  20. barryi

    how big of a tank will i need for these fish?

    i really want to get a 180 gallon tank for this grorp of fish but im wondering if I should get a 210 or 240 for this group and maybe 4-5 other fish: springeri pseudochromis, fridiman pseudochromis, neon dottyback, royal gramma, arc eye hawkfish, cuban hogfish, black cap basslet, queen/emperor...