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  1. barryi

    my queen trigger picture

    dang! nice fish. that one of the prettiest queens ive ever seen!
  2. barryi

    post your eel pics

    nice fish everyone. i especially like the wolf eel and the jeweled moray
  3. barryi

    Snowflake eel

    i currently have a snowflake moray in my tank. When ever i feed it with a piece of krill, it aggresively takes it. even if it does catch a fish like a damsel, they arent hard to replace so i think that the moray is definately a good fish to have in your tank
  4. barryi

    $800 Polleni Harlequin Grouper......

    a pretty fish. you can get one off for $400 but i dont know if they have a guarantee and you couldnt choose what it would look like.
  5. barryi

    Post Your Rare Fish Pics

    srry. I meant WHERE did u get that klunzinger wrasse
  6. barryi

    Post Your Rare Fish Pics

    polarpooch, did u get that klunzinger wrasse? and, what are the best fish stores in madison because im visiting there and i want to buy fish for my sister (she lives there). she has an aggressive 180 gallon tank.
  7. barryi


    i once had a coral banded shrimp and it did fine with my peppermint shrimp in a 55 gallon reef. If it did live longer, it probably would have tried to attack my peppermint shrimp. If you decide to get any type of coral banded shrimp, make sure that they are a mated female, male pair because...
  8. barryi

    Moorish Idol

    I'm not actually thinking about getting one because that is practically animal cruelty because they rarely eat but i was just wondering what they eat, if anyone has ever tried them, how to make them eat it and if they are shy quiet fish and are easily bullied by fish like psuedochromis?
  9. barryi

    Clown Tang rescue

    all i know is that they are very hard to keep, need lots of swimming room and go at wars with other tangs, such as the one you have. They have venomous spines or something like that and will charge at the other tangs with it. If im wrong pease correct me.
  10. barryi

    Question for all pseudochromis owners...

    i know that pseudochromis are very aggressive and they will harass eachother and royal grammas but i was wondering if thy would still do that in a 180 gallon FOWLR that isnt aggresive but tougher than your typical reeftank. The psuedochromis i have in mind are springers, royal dottyback...
  11. barryi

    Group Photo

    i love the wolf eel and wrasse! Nice pic
  12. barryi

    updated ray and shark pics

    where do you get the rays and what type are they?
  13. barryi

    Post Your Rare Fish Pics

    ryebread, how did your frined get that lookdown? Dont they cost about $300 each? (nice pics)
  14. barryi

    what fish should i get

    so could i possibly fit some type of dwarf anger like a lemon peel or a coris, dragon or twinspot coris wrasse with the moray in a 37 gallon. I dont know if this matters but the equiptment i have is: aquaclear500 filter, 150 watt ebo jageer heater, 35lbs crushed coral, probably 20-30lbs of live...
  15. barryi

    what fish should i get

    i have a snowflake moray in a 37 FOWLR. It is still pretty small and eating well. I was just wondering what type of fish there is so that i could get with it in the snow flake. I just want to find something thats cheaper (preferably under $40)
  16. barryi

    treating food w/ copper for ich?

    Our 2 dartfish have ich. They're rubbing agains the sand bottom. We have a 55 g tank w/ fish, inverts and corals. It's going to be next to impossible to catch the fish and remove them to a q tank. Is it possbile to treat the food they eat w/ seacure instead of treating the tank? Should we...
  17. barryi

    help firefish please?

    We've got firefish too. They occasionally get a white spot that's larger than ick. It looks more like velvet on the fish. It's an injury and goes away on it's own. They can get injured when they jump or dive into hiding places. It doesn't look like ick though. We're still pretty new at...
  18. barryi

    Octopus compatible?

    dont get the blue ring. If it bites you, you will probably die. they dont even fare well at all in captivity. most die within 2 weeks. they strike when harrased and their rings become a very pretty vibrant blue.
  19. barryi

    Help!!!!! My shark is sick

    i just have a question about the sharks. Where do you get them,and how big of a tank would you probably need?
  20. barryi

    how aggresive is the six line wrasse

    my sixline is very good in my reef. It isnt at all aggressive and it is the last one to accept food. When i had a fireball angel, it would swim in and out of the rocks with it.