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  1. barryi

    How many fish is too many fish?

    i have a 55 reef at home and i had a fireball angel, 6 green chromis, a sixline wrasse and 2 purple firefish and everything went fine. depending on the aggresion of the fish will make all the difference so in this case putting in 2 dwarf angels, a tang and damsels is way too much at this point...
  2. barryi

    ordering a 240 today need help

    where did you get the tank and was it custom made?
  3. barryi

    dwarf angel with eel?

    i have an aquaclear 500 and its 30L, i think either 18 or 12 high and 12 deep. i could fit a skimmer in there which im willing to get. the skimmer isnt it great condition though.
  4. barryi

    Sting Rays!!!

    everyone says that the blue spot ribbon tail is not at all hardy but i havent heard of them ever dying in captivity? (i mean people that have ever triead one has had great sucess) what do they eat and what size tank do they need?
  5. barryi

    Dumb Things I've Heard At My LFS

    a customer at an LFS said:"uh, can i put a snowflake moray, a dragon wrasse, and a purple tang in a 37 gallon with crushed coral?" so the manager says: yea that would make the tank snug. i mean a tang in a 37 gallon tank with a dragon wrasse?
  6. barryi

    everyone says they are good to order from but i cant figure out how to get into the site. it says on the little things next to it: ubuild it, reef packages, dry goods, live rock and in bigger print but no picture: live sand, specials, message board, contact, and home.
  7. barryi

    55gal vs 75 gal

    get a 75 so you can get a tang and a larger butterfly!
  8. barryi

    dwarf angel with eel?

    i have a 37 FOWLR and it has only a snowflake moray. Could i add a dwarf angel of some type with it? preferably a flame, singapore, eibliis, or lemonpeel. would this work? also, would a small puffer work in the long run?
  9. barryi

    Arrow Crab??

    i think that the crab will eat small inverts and fish
  10. barryi

    Anemone for Ocellaris

    im not sure but i read somewhere that they like carpet anemones.
  11. barryi

    bi color pseudo

    these guys are supposed to be the most aggressive of the dottyback family and may eat small inverts. it will also harass gobies and other small passive fish
  12. barryi

    Coral of the Week: Frogspawn

    i got a frog spawn a week ago and it is absoulutely gorgeous
  13. barryi

    Stone Triggerfish

    srry couldnt find anything
  14. barryi

    Why doesnt anyone post about octopi???

    if you but one, dont get a blue ringed. they will kill you if they bite you. i read somewhere that there are more deaths from the blue ringed octopus than there are shark attacks per year and im saying not deaths from shark attacks but just shark attacks
  15. barryi

    snowflake eel ?

    i have one and it will devour any invert i put in there
  16. barryi

    hi great pics on the clown trigger but does anyone know where to get a titan trigger

    there was a titan at my lfs that was returned because it was too aggressive. its 35 dollars right now. i dont know if it is still there but i could get more info if anyone wants me to.
  17. barryi

    Anyone have a Port Jackson shark?

    i dont know anything but ac, where did u get this guy and how much did he cost?
  18. barryi

    flat worms eating clam

    i have one but he doenst eat them
  19. barryi

    flat worms eating clam

    i have a 4.5 inch maxima clam in my tank and all my flat worms and comeing to eat it. what can i do to prevent them for the future and more importantly how do i get them off?
  20. barryi

    Which Clownfish Should I Pick??

    i love the false percs. they are the hardiest from what i have read and the most communityish.