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  1. velvetchs

    Hermit crabs

    A few weeks aqo I went on vaction and when I came back my tank was covered in brown algae. I moved all of my animals (2 green chromis, 2 damsels, 2 snails, and 6 hermit crabs) to my quarantine tank in order to really clean this stuff out of the tank. Our cleaning was apparently too good becasue...
  2. velvetchs

    I HAD to save him!

    That's too bad about your fish. Those guys are absolutely beautiful.
  3. velvetchs

    i'm in wilmington, north carolina

    I have a 46 gal bowfront. It has been setup for about 1 month. I have 2 yellow tailed damsels, 2 green chromis, 6 scarlet hermit crabs, and 3 snails. I did start the tank with tap water, before realizing that both Tropical Paradise and Pets + sold RO water, so when I did my water change, I...
  4. velvetchs

    i'm in wilmington, north carolina

    At *****, you must have missed the dogface puffer with ick so bad, it had only one eye. That place makes me so mad. I have just started my tank and plan to go very slow getting fish, so spending a little more once in a while, I'm alright with. I may try to do an order online in a few months.
  5. velvetchs

    i'm in wilmington, north carolina

    ***** is really bad. One of their employees told me that at the end of the night is the only time they scoop out dead fish. You would think they wouldn't want people to see their tanks filled with ick and dead fish.... I don't think that Pets + is that high really. I would rather pay a little...
  6. velvetchs

    i'm in wilmington, north carolina

    There is a fish store named Pets + on Shipyard Blvd near a Harris Teeter. Also, another really great store is Tropical Paradise. I don't remember the street it is on (it is listed in the white pages of a phone book), but it is only open from 1pm - 6pm.
  7. velvetchs

    PH stays around 7.8

    I would love to see what people say about this. I have the same problem. We tried Proper pH 8.2. All that did was keep the pH at 8.2 for about 1 1/2 hours. After that it went right back to 7.8.
  8. velvetchs

    Any suggestions welcome

    I don't have any suggestions for you, but I was wondering where you bought your fish. I also live in Wilmington, NC and have just strted a tank. Just curious. Thanks.
  9. velvetchs

    cycle question

    Thanks for your help. I have been doing topoffs and will absolutely be getting RO water.
  10. velvetchs

    cycle question

    I had never heard about the raw fish until yesterday. And actually, my lfs told me to take my time researching fish before purchasing them even to cycle. He said to make sure I was getting the best possible fish for my money and to not buy it at his store if I found better fish elsewhere. It...
  11. velvetchs

    cycle question

    I have another question about algae and diatoms. Our tank is covered in this brown stuff. It looks like grass (my daughter calls it thorns) and some of it has just began turning green. Is this the diatoms or do I have my lights on too much? They are on about 10 hours a day.
  12. velvetchs

    cycle question

    I was kind of waitng to hear about that. However, I talked to 2 lfs, one of which deals exclusively with saltwater tanks (and they had absolutely gorgeous tanks btw). Both recommended using fish to start the cycling. I also read several books which talked about it. I was prepared for them to die...
  13. velvetchs

    cycle question

    We just started our first salt water tank about 3 1/2 weeks ago. It is a 44 gallon bowfront. We bought 2 blue damsels and 2 chromis to start our tank cycling. My question is about how long does it take for a tank to cycle? Our tests have shown no real peak in ammonia or nitrites. The highest I...