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  1. snaredrum

    Just Bought a Flame Scalop! Quick Q

    Originally Posted by reefernana The difference between you and I doesn't have a thing to do with our tanks. The difference is in your first sentence. You could care less. And it shows, constantly. But, just so you know, my tank is just fine, thanks. I had my first saltwater tank most likely...
  2. snaredrum

    My salinity is too low what is the best way to increase?

    Originally Posted by LSU I'd double check with a refractometer, hydrometers can be inaccurate. It seems like your inverts would have died at that salinity. Thats what I'm thinking too.
  3. snaredrum

    pH of RO water?

    Originally Posted by Nancysalt Oh... I forgot what should I use to bring up the ph in the water? The salt you will be adding will bring up the PH.
  4. snaredrum

    mantis shrimp!!!!!!!

    If its a leather, can't you relocate the coral before taking the rock out? I would do that and put the rock in freshwater. His butt will come out like a mad hornet! Watch your fingers tho.
  5. snaredrum

    Log your Tanks Parameters

    Originally Posted by pakora Here is a link to that program. Thanks pakora. I'm downloading it now.
  6. snaredrum

    gorilla grab making a huge click noise

    My whole thing is that I really enjoy getting information from this site. The people on here are really helpful even when you know that some questions are asked a thousand times. I just don't want to ever see it get to a negative thing because of some with personal attacks when the person asking...
  7. snaredrum

    emerald crab shedding?

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Not typically, from what I have read, calcium levels in your tank will help your inverts to molt. If there is too much its not good and if its not enough its also not good. I believe if there is a lack of sufficient calcium in your tank their molt can get almost...
  8. snaredrum

    gorilla grab making a huge click noise

    Originally Posted by TangWhispr please try not to swear and check your spelling, although reading your "he hitted the floor" was entertaining. It sounds like you have a pistol shrimp or mantis, a Gorilla crab simply does not make a noise like that. WoW! Please help us. You know I was looking...
  9. snaredrum

    Log your Tanks Parameters

    Originally Posted by renogaw i have a program at my house that can do this on your own computer, i'll post the link when i get home. Thanks renogaw, I would like to have that program.
  10. snaredrum

    Tons of algae!

    Phosphate at 0. I was testing the same way with hair algea problems and it was because the algea was using up the Phosphate.
  11. snaredrum

    Whats wrong with this picture?

    Mine close up when my Fire Shrimp walks across them.
  12. snaredrum

    Is This Too Much Sand In A Frag Tank

    Thats a lot of sand. Might have H2S (Hydogen Sulfide) problems though.
  13. snaredrum

    Which one would you pick?

    Six Line Wrasse Neat fish. I have one in my 29 and love it.
  14. snaredrum

    Nitrates In New Tank

    Originally Posted by nycbob its all part of the cycle w high nitrate. the product i described will add more nitrifying bacteria to help lower it. What he said. I would do a 20% water change after the cycle is complete and nitrates are lower. Then start adding stock SLOWLY!
  15. snaredrum

    Help!!! Zoos are dying!!

    As nice as those polys are, I might be tempted to frag some of them and ditch the rest. It would be a shame to loose the whole thing. Just what I would do. By the way, what kind of zoo's are those? Very nice color.
  16. snaredrum


    Check your Iodine. When my Iodine levels are good, so is my growth.
  17. snaredrum

    What kind of corals dont need lighting?

    Originally Posted by peef I have a sun coral and I freaken love it, by far the coolest coral I have....I feed almost everyday, only takes like five minutes. I think its half the fun. If you can find one pick it up. This is a pick of mine 10 minutes after light went off waiting for a snack...
  18. snaredrum

    Anyone know about this protein skimmer

    Do yourself a favor and spend a little more money and get a Sapphire Aquatics Skimmer. I have the BC29 on my Biocube and could not be more happy with its performance. My tank is always crystal clear and you should see the crap it skims out. Good Luck
  19. snaredrum

    ro water from grocery store

    I just went through this problem myself. I started getting some Hair Algae and couldn't find the problem. I checked the tank time after time and seen no problems. Then I checked my top off water. RO/DI from local supermarket. PHOSPHATE. Back to the LFS and problem gone. I suggest do your...
  20. snaredrum

    Am I overfeeding?

    Originally Posted by socal57che yes, and don't forget to rinse the food to keep from adding proteins to your tank. Try switching from flake and introduce something other than brine. Mysis, scallops etc. How do you rinse the food? I know its in cubes when frozen, but once it hits water it...