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  1. snaredrum


    I use PIXresizer myself. Plus its free and works great.
  2. snaredrum

    please help!!!

    Originally Posted by b bauer is this fish in your 20g tank? Yellow Tang in a 20 gallon not good. Also get some test kits before adding any more live stock. Just my 2 cents.
  3. snaredrum

    Hurrcain Shut off POWER - HELP

    If you have no generator I would at least get a battery powered air pump. Have her every couple of hours move the water off the top with a cup. Dip the cup in and pour back in. Oxygen would be my main concern along with the temp. This should help some. Good Luck!
  4. snaredrum


    I have a 29 Biocube and have 12 crabs, 12 snails, a fire shrimp, a pistol shrimp, 2 clown fish and a six line wrasse. I also have a torch coral, frogspawn, asst. zoa's and ric's. A colt coral, star poly's and a kenya tree. The 12 crabs and 12 snails have done a remarkable job of cleaning up.
  5. snaredrum

    ricordia question

    Originally Posted by Poop_heaD Ya it seems like my rics are the toughest things I own. I had a hammer coral fall onto an orange ric and damaged the ric down the middle. It then regrew into 2 new one. My blue ric I accidently poked it while feeding it and it made a cut through part of it and...
  6. snaredrum

    nanao skimmer

    Get the Sapphire Aquatics...Mine has been doing wonders.
  7. snaredrum

    phosphoate reator help

    How big is your clean up crew? I increased my clean up crew and the hair algea was gone in a week. I've tried everything before that including Sea Hares, Emerald Crabs ect. My clean up crew had to be increased.
  8. snaredrum

    Help with my dKH level! PLEASE!

    I was having the same problem keeping things in balance......B-Ionics fixed that. My Cal. and Alk. stays balanced and I only use B-Ionics once a week. Just my 2 cents.
  9. snaredrum

    Issues With My Tank - Need Advice

    Originally Posted by estein02 They are I don't beleive that there are phosphates in RO/DI. Is that correct? There CAN be phosphates in RO/DI water. I bought RO/Di from a local supermarket and it was loaded with Phosphates. They needed to change their filters.
  10. snaredrum

    Roomates don't get it.

    Originally Posted by Bronco300 cheerios?! lol..sounds like what a little kid would he looks thirsty lets give him some pepsi...agreed, who needs movies Man you are giving me nightmares! LOL My youngest son was about 4 at the time. This was when everyone said "no tank smaller than a 30...
  11. snaredrum

    is a nano tang possible?

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ hermit crabs hatch from eggs as "zeoa" and go through several molts before aquiring shells, they live their first stage of life basicly as plankton. ReefkprZ you are the king! I hope someday I can get as knowledgeable as you.
  12. snaredrum


    Originally Posted by Jmick With regular water changes you should not not have to suppliment any trace elements and depending on what you have in your system you may or may not have to add calcium. Keep any eye on your alk, that is something that does need to be buffered from time to time...
  13. snaredrum

    emrald crab

    Only when they have been drinking...LOL JK. Mine look white to me. I have two Emeralds and both look whitest.
  14. snaredrum

    Green star polyps not opening up for about 3 wks?

    I moved mine up in the tank for more light and placed a power head blowing across him. Man what a difference. He is growing like wildfire.
  15. snaredrum

    Roomates don't get it.

    Originally Posted by emm0909 So I came home last night to see my lights were off two hours early. My roomate had turned them off because he wanted to watch a movie. I got pretty heated. I asked him when he wanted them to go off and reset my schedule to be on during the day while we're at work...
  16. snaredrum


    I use Kent Tech - I. I have had very good luck with this product and use it every week at half dose. My Zoa's and other corals love the stuff. It is time released and I can't seem to test for it in the tank. The bottle says that you might not be able to see it on a test. Everything is much more...
  17. snaredrum

    Gloves for handling corals

    Walgreens has them
  18. snaredrum

    SPREADing coraline

    Originally Posted by Isistius 1. turn off your return 2. keep ph's running 3. brush existing coralline with tooth brush 4. turn on return after 2 hrs you should see small spots or coralline everywhere w/in a few days hth I used the method a couple of months ago and it worked very well.
  19. snaredrum

    I would like to nonimate this as ugliest stand.

    Originally Posted by shark bait I once saw a house painted this color in East LA, It took me back to the day of hitting up La Revelution in TJ. The girls hope your eyes feel better maxalmon and this cant be offensive so don't take it off. Thats what I'm talking about!
  20. snaredrum

    pH of RO water?

    Originally Posted by halcyon_diver interesting thread...made me check all of my on a well...tap was at 7.1, tank water 7.9 and rodi water was at 6.0 ,freshly mixed saltwater (26 hrs) 7.9 i have a ph meter that i calibrated before the test...wierd or what? Your RO/DI should be at...