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  1. snaredrum

    Tell me what is best

    Originally Posted by jden092901 Thanks...Doesnt flake food raise it? So, before I buy them ask to see the fish eat? Have you ever seen a purple firefish? Now that is a cool fish. Josh Thats what I have always been told also.
  2. snaredrum

    Clowns Freaking Out!

    Mine was acting like that when I first put them in the tank. It took about 2 weeks for them to act like other clowns I'm seen. One is even hosting my open Brain coral. Its funny, he lays on it like its a big bed.
  3. snaredrum

    Help please!!! Hair Algae question.

    Originally Posted by MotorCity I had a rock that had quite a bit of that hair algae on it. I plopped an emerald crab in there, right on top of that rock and he ate that stuff, double fisted until it was all gone, he could not stuff it in his mouth fast enough. That crab is an eating machine...
  4. snaredrum

    High Nitrates in RO/DI Water

    No ones ever checked their NO3 levels in RO/DI water?
  5. snaredrum

    High Nitrates in RO/DI Water

    What levels should I expect from RO/DI water. Here's what has happened. I have been buying RO/DI water from a local supermarket. I decided to test it after I noticed some hair algea starting on one of my rocks. Phosphates are at 0. Nitrates are at 20ppm. Is this normal?
  6. snaredrum

    is there anything wrong with this???

    Originally Posted by Cherish life. we went to a local island yesterday and i decided to save some money.. i brought home about 5 pounds live sand to fill my 6 gallon tank is there anything wrong with this??? it is nice sand...and i sifted through it to make sure there was no nails or anything in...
  7. snaredrum

    emerald or not?

    I did have a Emerald kill a Xenia. I caught him picking at it at night.
  8. snaredrum

    Calling All Ocellaris Owners

    Here ya go "The Brian!"
  9. snaredrum

    To Crab or not to Crab?

    OK Guys and Ladies, Lets see how many in here have just snails? How many have just crabs? Or Both. I'm thinking about taking out my crabs because they keep messing and killing my snails. Give me your ideas.
  10. snaredrum

    advise on what to do

    Originally Posted by butters Whats the ABSOLUTE Min. LR I can have in my tank??? I can't afford to put that much in my tank when its $5 a Lb. At any of my local fish stores I haven't seen any reef rock thats not live. If your having problems coming up with cash for live rock, I would recommend...
  11. snaredrum

    advise on what to do

    Originally Posted by butters if the ViaAqua is a decent skimmer i will prolly keep it, if not i will prolly buy a coralife SS.... i have an extra emperor 280, think i could replace the AC with that? im not very font of the emperor, i didnt feel it did a good job on my cichlid tank, i had...
  12. snaredrum


    I hear ya on that. Good Luck and keep us posted.
  13. snaredrum


    I think I would try cutting out the old fittings, if you can't get them off any other way, and use new ones with teflon. Also remember, when a fitting is leaking, its real easy to over tighten and crack the fitting or the tank. Just my 2 cents.
  14. snaredrum


    Originally Posted by renogaw try teflon tape on the threads of the bulkhead? Good Question renogaw. The business I'm in, I work with plastic pipe almost daily and teflon tape on threads IS a must!
  15. snaredrum

    Is my xenia a goner???

    I've got 2 small Emeralds in my tank. My LFS said they are OK with Xenias if they are small...LOL Now the problem, how to get them out! They are faster than you might think.
  16. snaredrum

    Is my xenia a goner???

    Originally Posted by gypsana No but I have an Emerald crab. There ya go! I had a Emerald Crab attack my Xenia last week. I had to pull the xenia 2 days ago. He started picking at the xenias little hands at night. I turned on the flashlight and caught him. I guess Xenias and Emeralds don't mix.
  17. snaredrum

    Help me with red slime algea PLEAZ

    I had Cyano a couple of months ago. Mine was from my son overfeeding when I was out of town. I used AntiRed. I WOULD NOT use this unless you have tried all natural methods. Do a search on this forum, there are tons of solutions. If you end up using any med. follow the instructions to the tee...
  18. snaredrum

    How to catch a Pistol Shrimp?

    Can someone give me an idea how I can do this without tearing the tank apart. Thanks
  19. snaredrum

    Does anyone know how to figure the volume of a Hexagon tank

    Originally Posted by ReefForBrains So Figure each quarter sticking out is: 31 tall by 11 (since that shalf of the flat-to-flat) by 6.5 2216.5/2= 1108.25 Ci divided by two since we made a sqaure for easier math of each quarter that sticks out. Now take that times 4 since theres 4 quarters we...