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  1. flyinbrian


    what is the best results for taking pictures with an slr camera? flash vs no flash...etc
  2. flyinbrian

    how old are you

  3. flyinbrian

    reason why colt coral is doing this

    I find my colt is effected very easily my powerheads. If you re to move one of its branches to a fixed spot It will stay there for a bit then with water currents it will change. Everyday I come home and it is in a different position. as long as color and polyps are fine you have nothing to...
  4. flyinbrian


    Hey everyone. I came across some pictures of soe brilliant looking nudibranches. Just wondering some specs on them are they poisonous at all? reef safe? I have never seen them for sale here in ontario. Are they easy to come by? Any info would help Anyone have them? Good cleaner?
  5. flyinbrian

    Mantis vs Pistol Info for everyone

    hey there I just wanted to clarify some reading I have been doing on the internet about Mantis and pistol shrimps. A few websites I read said that the mantis shrimp will not make that very annoying snapping noise and this trait belongs to the pistol shrimp only. Sorry but this I have found to...
  6. flyinbrian


    Well I finally got rid of the little bugger mantis shrimp. I basted a bunch of hot water in his hole(took lr out of water) then he didnt come out but I could see him so I took some tweezers and grabbed him out. That outta learn him. He was already dead when I got him out. Either the hot water...
  7. flyinbrian


    everyone has horror storys about mantis shrimp. I would like some info about appearance and what they do that is so bad and how to find them(picture if possible). The reason I have a concern is today I saw a puff of what looked like chewed up rock coming out of a hole in my lr. I looked closer...
  8. flyinbrian

    WhAt kind of protein skimmer do you use?

    I have a Prizm that works very well. Just have to tweak it a little bit and adjust it at water changes.
  9. flyinbrian

    Oh What to do!!

    right now I have some fiji pink carib sea aragonite and would like to add to it. Do I have to add the same stuff or can a add a different grain size into the variable? Which is more beneficial? HOw do I add more subsrate without disturbing my coral and fish? Thanks for all your help.
  10. flyinbrian

    OT: any other guiter players out there?

    Hey I am only a young kid(17) here and only started up on guitar about 6 months ago and I LOVE IT. I have a gibson les paul special model and just a small fender amp with a zoom505 effects pedal.
  11. flyinbrian

    poll school help

    I am 5 foot 9 inches with a shoe size of 11 mens
  12. flyinbrian

    poll school help

    I am 5 foot 9 inches with a shoe size of 11 mens
  13. flyinbrian

    poll school help

    I am 5 foot 9 inches with a shoe size of 11 mens
  14. flyinbrian

    Do You Miss Your Tank When at Work?

    I agree with all of you at work I want to just up and leave but then I think if I do that I cant improve my tank. When I think about my tank it also helps me at night fall asleep thinking about improvements. I f I relly cant sleep I take a flashlight out and check out all the critters running around
  15. flyinbrian

    info on supplements

    check out my stats below and help me out with different supplements I should be adding. I have some hair and slime algea, so I do not want to promote algea growth. I also add essential elements once a week. Thanks
  16. flyinbrian

    OT: Just curious what kind of people are into reef tanks

    hey there bosco0633 I am from canada as well. IN ontario near London Where in ontario are you? I enjoy my aquarium also because of the stress releive it gives me. Its beauty is also astonishing. I am a grade 12 student(17) and I plan to take a work abroad Program in australia in the near...
  17. flyinbrian

    Brand New (Almost)

    I agree with the colt coral Very hardy and nice looking it is my first and only(for now) coral.
  18. flyinbrian

    rock structure and flow

    hey eveyone I was just wondering what kind of rock structure/powerhead flows work the best together. (high rock vs. low rock base, and how powerheads are arranged) thanks
  19. flyinbrian

    sand addition

    hello there. I currently have only about 20 pounds of aragonite and I am sure I need to add more substrate. How much more should I add? SHould I stick with the aragonite? Also how do I add it without disturbing my tank as is? Will the addition promote any undesirable algea growth?
  20. flyinbrian


    hey I have 3 powerheads and slime algea(purple film on aragonite) keeps growing constatly. I wipe it off and It comes back, I change my flow and It comes back!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DO I GET RID OF IT???????