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  1. snaredrum


    Hi Spanko, What kind of skimmer are you using? And where do you have it placed? I have a 29 BioCube abd would like to look into a skimmer. Thanks
  2. snaredrum

    White particles alll over my 29g biocube

    I just moved my filter 90'. It now is facing the intakes. Works good for me and it sits there without moving. I don't think there is enough area behind the filter causing the low flow.
  3. snaredrum

    HELP!! Newbie Mistake!!

    Mines always at 1.024
  4. snaredrum

    Can Nitrate kill?

    Bleach with high lighting (Heat) will cause decomposing of the bleach and the end result will be high chlorine. The only reason I know this is my job involves carbon air scrubbers.
  5. snaredrum

    olease post pics of corals w/pc light.

    Here's one from mine.
  6. snaredrum

    HELP!! Newbie Mistake!!

    I guess I'm just lucky, but I buy my saltwater premixed from my LFS. I only need 5 gallons at a time and all his parameters are the same except temp. So I take care of that before I add it to my tank. 5 gallons of premixed (Oceanic Mix) cost $4.60 with tax. I can't hardly mix it myself for that...
  7. snaredrum

    Total NEWBIE!!!!!

    One thing is its hard to clean the glass. The other is that unless that rock is sitting on a good surface, something could knock it against the glass. I just had a Fire Shrimp going after food knock over a good size frag rock tonight. Tank does look nice tho.
  8. snaredrum

    Total NEWBIE!!!!!

    Please do a lot of reading! Also, I would have concern with that LR being so close to the side glass.
  9. snaredrum

    White particles alll over my 29g biocube

    Hi Angel...Move your powerhead discharge up a little. What is happening is that the flow is hitting the front glass and going down in the coroner causing this. I'm talking from experience again....LOL If you move it up, it will also give a little more movement on the water surface.
  10. snaredrum

    White particles alll over my 29g biocube

    Angle Mine is doing the same thing. I also have a 29 Bio Cube. Watch your crabs, mine is pulling stuff off the live rock causing the white particles.