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  1. snaredrum

    Kenya Not opening up.

    Looking good today! Its starting to open back up! Maybe it was feeling a little under the weather...LOL :cheer: My Parameters: PH 8.2 Alk. 2.8 CA 450 NO3 5.0 PO4 0.1 Gravity 1.024 NH3 0.0 Temp 77' NO2 0.0 Fish: 2 clowns and a Sixline
  2. snaredrum

    Done for?

    Mine was doing the same thing. I moved them up. More light and more flow. They are growing like mad now. It took about 3 days for them to open the first time tho.
  3. snaredrum

    Kenya Not opening up.

    Yours looks great. You know how they look during the moonlight hours? Thats mine all the time.There was a LFS that had a big sale and I bought the Kenya and 2 zoo's . Well, just one of the zoo's are doing well. Last time I will buy from that joint.
  4. snaredrum

    Kenya Not opening up.

    So they will totally disappear? Mines just closed right now. I guess I will give it some time. :cheer:
  5. snaredrum

    Kenya Not opening up.

    I have a Kenya that for some reason is not opening up. He is about 3 weeks old and was fine yesterday. My water parameters are the same as yesterday. Has anyone had this problem before? And what do they do if they die? :happyfish
  6. snaredrum

    Sixline With a Sexy Shrimp

  7. snaredrum

    Sixline With a Sexy Shrimp

    Can someone tell if I will have any problems with a sexy shrimp if I put him in with a Sixline? The sixline has been in the tank about 2 weeks and the sexy shrimp the LFS have are real small. :help:
  8. snaredrum

    How long will unused saltwater last.

    Here is what I have. I buy my saltwater from my lFS. His parameters are the same as mine since I have always done this. Now the question, I have a little left over from time to time. It is in a sealed lid container. I now have about 3 gallons saved up with the oldest being 2 months old. How long...
  9. snaredrum

    Mushrooms shrinking

    I have noticed that most LFS place mushrooms in lower lighting than MH. I would put them on the bottom and see what happens.
  10. snaredrum

    I really need help

    Originally Posted by spanko Why is your ammonia at .25? How long has the tank been up? Might be a Red Sea Ammonia test kit. Mine always reads 0.25. I have compared it to other kits and the Red Sea is off.
  11. snaredrum

    ID Please

    Just take it slow Lex. I have taken mine very slow and I'm having very good success so far.
  12. snaredrum

    ID Please

    Thanks Reefreak. Hard telling what you might in these tanks.
  13. snaredrum

    ID Please

    Good Luck Lex! I have a 29 gallon and love it.
  14. snaredrum

    ID Please

    Its soft. I checked that the other day. I do no that they are growing with this one being the biggest.
  15. snaredrum

    ID Please

    Can't get a clear picture zooming in. I wish I could.
  16. snaredrum

    ID Please

    OK. Guys what is this then? I have them on all my Live Rock. (Small purple looking Things)
  17. snaredrum

    Snail Dying

    I can't figure this out. I have had 3 snails die in 4 weeks. My parameters at good. Has anyone had the same problem? Ammonia = 0.0 PH = 8.2 Phosphate = .1 Nitrate = 10.0 Nitrite = 0.0 Salitity = 1.024 29 BioCube
  18. snaredrum

    Purple Up usage.

    Thanks for all the replies. I have a good start under the area with the heavest flow so I'm letting it go natural. Thanks again.
  19. snaredrum

    Purple Up usage.

    Can someone give me an idea if purple up works and how well. I have good coraline starting now and would like to have more.
  20. snaredrum


    Thanks spanko. I have live rubble back there now so I might look at a different option. Thanks again.