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  1. snaredrum

    Tank after Antired Treatment Questions

    The same as now. I'm wondering if its just from the Antired? One thing is for sure. NO MORE chemical treatment. Everything does look a little better tonight. This is a 29 gallon BioCube. I'm adding a Sapphire skimmer this week. Maybe that will help also.
  2. snaredrum

    Pics of my new 533 gallon tank

    That 135 looks like a 10 gallon on that stand! LOL Thats one big tank.
  3. snaredrum

    newer pics of my tank, copy and paste

    Originally Posted by cyclops Nice Pics, I see that you have the greatest fish lovers of all, CATS, do your cats hang out at the tank drooling over your fish? No Comment! LOL I'll be nice. Tank looks great! I love the white stand and hood.
  4. snaredrum

    new talk missing fish please help

    Welcome to the Forum Ray! What are your parameters? This will help every time you need help. I have found that out myself. If the fish died, the crabs might have eaten the remains. I really don't think the crab just attacked the fish but could be wrong. Anyway, FDNY? Firefighter? What part of...
  5. snaredrum

    Tank after Antired Treatment Questions

    Bump ..Is there anybody Out There! Just singing Pink Floyd while I'm waiting.
  6. snaredrum

    frogspawn closed?

    I moved mine to a lower flow area and it opened up by the next day. You might try that.
  7. snaredrum

    frogspawn closed?

    I moved mine to a lower flow area and it opened up by the next day. You might try that.
  8. snaredrum

    Tank after Antired Treatment Questions

    I was having problems with Red Slime. Come to find out, my youngest son was feeding the tank with pellets while I was out of town. This was about 2 weeks ago. He opened the lid and a bunch (as he discribed it) came out in the tank. It went in the front left hand coroner. The wife said the Fire...
  9. snaredrum

    new and frustrated.

    Welcome to the boards Steph. We need a little more information here. Is the tank cycled? What ARE the parameters? It seems like to me that you might be adding to quick if the tank is not cycled. One thing is for sure, you will get plenty of feedback on here. Please take their advise. I'm newer...
  10. snaredrum

    Sapphire Aquatics Skimmer BC29

    I would like to get a little information from people using the Sapphire Skimmer. What are people using in the middle sump beside the skimmer if anything? If I remove my live rock pieces I have in there now(2 months ago added), will I have a problems? How is the performance of these skimmers? Are...
  11. snaredrum

    ***** Water

    Originally Posted by clint_reno I have to jump in. Almost every comment posted is true. ***** is the "pet WalMart of America". It is both great and poor. And much of it depends on the specific store! Just today I saw the pre-mixed water at a *****, which is also too rich for my blood. But when...
  12. snaredrum

    Updated 5 month pics BC29

    Looks great! I have to know. I see that you and done a little work on your stock discharge and added a powerhead. How has this worked for you? I'm getting a little diatoms in the front left coroner and its because of low flow in the coroner. I have a leather sitting there and its cutting down on...
  13. snaredrum

    Coralline algae seeding

    I was thinking the same thing. I would do the water change to lower the NO3. This should bring the Ca back up some. Then use the toothbrush idea and just scrap some off (purple stuff). It will float around and land all over the tank. It worked for me. 3 month old tank and looking real purple.
  14. snaredrum

    What could be wrong with my Ric's?

    PH is kind of low. Ca also a little low. hmm 5ish on the nitrite. What are the other parameters? NH, Nitrate, Phosphate, alk..
  15. snaredrum

    Use of Tap Water/Anyone using it?

    Originally Posted by Bonebrake The problems associated with using tap water are not worth the convenience. You can get away with using tap water in remote, mountainous locations if the total dissolved solids concentration is relatively low, but for the most part, tap water is a disaster waiting...
  16. snaredrum

    best way to get rid of phosphates?

    Originally Posted by jwhitehorn How do you test or notice phosphates? Believe me you will know when the algea is going nuts. I test for it. Water changes will lower it without a problem. I know my local water here is higher in phosphates. You might want to test that also.
  17. snaredrum

    coraline alge

    Test for Calcium with purple up. I was going to add some myself but people on here talked me out of it. Now I'm glad. My coralline is looking great. Good Luck and keep us posted.