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  1. snaredrum

    Fraggin this Leather Coral

    This one sounds easy. He is not attached to a rock but is just sitting in the sand. What would you call this? Pineapple Leather?
  2. snaredrum

    Fraggin this Leather Coral

    What would be the best way to frag this leather? He has a perfect split. Would this be the place? Please help. By the way, he is much bigger now.
  3. snaredrum

    Is there a way to stop fish from seeing you?

    I had the same problem. So what I did was...Whenever I feed, I turn off the pumps. This is a signal that they are going to eat. Problem solved. I can walk up to the tank with no problems. If the filter is turned off, everything in the tank knows its time to eat. Originally Posted by TriGa22...
  4. snaredrum

    Is there a way to stop fish from seeing you?

    I had the same problem. So what I did was...Whenever I feed, I turn off the pumps. This is a signal that they are going to eat. Problem solved. I can walk up to the tank with no problems. If the filter is turned off, everything in the tank knows its time to eat. Originally Posted by TriGa22...
  5. snaredrum

    coraline algae

    There is no substitute for waiting. I was going to add purple up and try this and that. My tank was set up 4 months ago and hear is what I have going on.
  6. snaredrum

    Missing SixLine Wasse

    Well this story ends on a good note. The Six Line was found last night in sump #3. He was in good health and HARD to get back into the tank. I guess he was hiding under the return pump as I looked for him 3 different times in this sump. I pulled the pump and presto! There he was. Thanks for all...
  7. snaredrum

    Missing SixLine Wasse

    I'm hoping he shows up. I have checked all 3 compartments in the back. His color was about the best I'm seen in a SixLine. I had a Clown that like to jump in the back. He is grown now and stays in the tank. I guess I'll wait and see if he shows up.
  8. snaredrum

    Missing SixLine Wasse

    Well I would like to get another one but I don't want to chance it either. I know that Six Line was very curious of the Emeralds when I first put them in. He would keep going up to them and bumping them with his nose. My Pistol Shrimp has been acting up also. He was messing with the Emerald's too.
  9. snaredrum

    Missing SixLine Wasse

    I just checked the floor, in the sump and under the tank. It's just hard to believe that a Emerald Crab got a hold of it as fast as that fish was. Unless it was at night when he was sleeping.
  10. snaredrum

    Missing SixLine Wasse

    Trying to figure out what happened to my SixLine. It is nowhere in the tank or even a sign of it. The only thing that was added was 2 Emerald crabs. They are both small with the biggest being the size of a quarter. Has anyone ever had this happen? Yesterday he had no signs of being sick or...
  11. snaredrum

    How Do You Raise Ph Safely??

    Originally Posted by MrineLfRlz a couple of days ago calcium-345ppm i now thats low cal. but with the high alk. and my ph as low as it is can this be right like i said i thought alk. and ph were closely related? i would like to find out how to raise ph safely also without buffers(my alk. is...
  12. snaredrum

    Cloudy Water

    Originally Posted by BRIAND7878 My DT has been in hypo now for a couple of weeks. My skimmer crapped out (waiting for a new pump) so my only real filtration now is my hob filter. i am running a regular filter pad with carbon in it. My water got cloudy about a week ago and has not cleared up...
  13. snaredrum

    Please ID white stuff

    Q-tip sponge Maybe?
  14. snaredrum

    need help please!

    Both my clowns stay in the same spot at night. Yes, they are resting.
  15. snaredrum

    vacations=death! and pics

    Look at those Xenia's! You couldn't kill them if you left for 6 years...LOL Mushrooms look nice.
  16. snaredrum

    Water Quality For Corals?

    Originally Posted by reefrunner Such a vague answer....shows that you probably don't know the answer, or you may have offered some usable advice. I am asking this question on this site because I am trying to educate myself about the corals before I buy them. Is that not the purpose of this...
  17. snaredrum

    Backup Generator - just sharing

    Originally Posted by Allterr HAHAHAHA!!...I posted this a few weeks ago.....(forgot the title of the thread)...when our power goes out during storms and hurricanes, the tanks are AlWAYS the first thing hooked up to the generators!!..(rest of family and friends think there is something wrong with...
  18. snaredrum

    Disgusting Black Stringy Algae? (pics)

    Thanks you Sir!
  19. snaredrum

    Disgusting Black Stringy Algae? (pics)

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX yes cutting the lighting down will cause it to subside but it wont kill it out since its a bacteria. It will get worse with more light is true . Mike I think at this I would be trying to suck out as much of it as possible also. Hey Michael TX "Cyano Sux"
  20. snaredrum

    Disgusting Black Stringy Algae? (pics)

    This was taken from another post. I had saved it to Word Doc. when I had the problem. Thanks "Although red slime is not actually an algae, it has very similar properties as algae does. The driving forces that cause it to grow are very similar that that of the typical algaes seen in reef tanks...