Search results

  1. wintrmte

    Looking to get back into the hobby -- where to buy aquarium online

    I hope your previous 10k posts were more helpful than the one you just did. What I had asked was if anyone could recommend a reputable retailer. Google is how I found this site 8 years ago. And yes I did use Google to find several different shops that sell aquariums and j wanted to get member...
  2. wintrmte

    Looking to get back into the hobby -- where to buy aquarium online

    All, I am looking to get back into the Saltwater hobby after taking a few years off. I am looking to purchase a 92 gallon corner tank, stand and canopy suitable for some decent lighting. Can anyone recommend a reputable retailer that will ship? I can't remember if the forum rules allow replies...
  3. wintrmte

    (First Reef Tank Ever) **** 600gal Display **** 1300gal System

    This is by far one of the nicest setup's I have ever seen. My hat is off to you! You have done something that I think we have all dreamed of doing. I look forward to watching your tank grow!!
  4. wintrmte

    Reef Devil will not skim

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz ETSS skimmers are much more efficient if they are run by an external pump. Do you have the skimmer in the sump or plumbed externally? Everything is in the sump. What you stated is also what I've been finding while searching the boards.. Externally they work...
  5. wintrmte

    Reef Devil will not skim

    Everything is internal. The pump is actually in the same compartment of the sump as the return from the tank, so it takes the water directly as it comes from the tank. The water of course is really bubbly as it's full of air from the journey down from the tank. I can't remember the brand...
  6. wintrmte

    Reef Devil will not skim

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz All of my ETSS skimmers have always worked wonderfully. Have you tried cleaning out the venturi? I find that when mine stops foaming, all I need to do is take it apart, clean it, and it is right back to foaming. I get a half of gallon's worth of muck out of my...
  7. wintrmte

    Reef Devil will not skim

    All, I have been having a problem with my reef devil skimmer ever since I got it (8 months ago). For whatever reason I cannot get it to foam consistently. Sometimes it will foam, but 90% of the time I just see the water moving within the cylinder. I have adjusted the water flow by using the...
  8. wintrmte

    Green algee all over

    Originally Posted by Isaac Hi there. I am runing my metal lights about 11 hours a day 400w 10k with 2 vho and have sps. I have a light green algee all over my live rocks. My phospate is 0.3. How do i take out this algee and were its comming from. ANY HELP? :help: Man, am I glad to see this...
  9. wintrmte

    Caclium Reactor - tuning questions

    All, We recently installed a calcium reactor and are trying to get it dialed in. My bubbles are around 50 in 60 seconds and I have a very, very light flow out of the output. The pH in the effulent water is 6.75. I've noticed though that my alkalinity is a bit high (between 14 and 15 DKH) so I...
  10. wintrmte

    Pump vibration question

    Great pic! I did take some high density foam and place it around the pump. What a difference!!! Thank you all for the suggestions.
  11. wintrmte

    Pump vibration question

    Originally Posted by acrylic51 They will hum and some are louder than others......The best you can do is try to insulate the pump off the bottom of the sump a bit......what type of plumbing are you using as well? Certain types of plumbing can magnify the hum or noise as well. Yeah, I think I...
  12. wintrmte

    Pump vibration question

    Originally Posted by acrylic51 I take it your running a submersible pump? What kind of pump? The pump might hum which is normal for a pump to have a hum, but when you say vibration I'm picturing it vibrating up and down or moving violently.......Can you actually see it move? It's a MagFlow...
  13. wintrmte

    Pump vibration question

    All, In my ongoing paranoia of having our sump glass crack again, I am concerned that the vibration from our return pump in our sump may be too much for the glass to handle. I have placed some clear rubbed tubes underneath the pump, but the vibration is still pretty strong. By strong, I am...
  14. wintrmte

    Raising hood on tank

    Just wondering if my concerns are valid. I haven't put the hood on the tank yet as I am waiting to hear from you all as to whether or not this will change the pressure placed on the glass of the tank at all. Thanks!
  15. wintrmte

    Raising hood on tank

    Here are some pictures to explain what I am doing. I went ahead and mounted the wood to the hood.
  16. wintrmte

    Raising hood on tank

    All, We have MH lights installed into our hood and I need to boost them about another inch or so off the water. I'm thinking the easiest way to do this is to put a 1" x 1/2" piece of wood on the bottom inserts of the hood (the inserts sit on the tank to keep it from sliding off) and lifting it...
  17. wintrmte

    Sump disaster - cracked glass

    Cool, thanks for the input. Could I get the site as well?
  18. wintrmte

    Sump disaster - cracked glass

    Here is a picture.
  19. wintrmte

    MH Lighting question - Too close to middle glass insert?

    All, We've got our MH lights installed and am wondering if the lights are too close to the middle glass inserts on top of the tank.. We've got plenty of ventillation setup (two bathroom vent fans converted into hood fans) so it's pushing the air from both lights. The glass gets very warm...
  20. wintrmte

    Re-Cycling after tank disaster

    Originally Posted by BrandonS unless all the water came out of your display you shouldn't have to recycle. The bacteria lives in the sand and live rock. Yeah, we had to take all the water and about 85% of the sand out of the main display. There was no way for us to move it otherwise to dry...