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  1. chingchong

    How much sand?

    isn't there a diff between using reef sand and sugar sized sand for a DSB? in any case, i have about +80# in my 55 gal.
  2. chingchong

    48" 260w pc & 24" 72w PC for sale *FINAL OFFER*

    if 48' light is still available let me know
  3. chingchong

    55 gal tank (experience#2)

    i just ordered a bunch of inverts from 1x 'in the mix package' 3x fighting conch 1x cleaner shrimp (plan to add 20 nassarius snail next month) and i bought from my LFS 1x scooter blenny (that buried itself in the sand, really cool) 1x lawnmower blenny (mow the brown algae off my rocks)...
  4. chingchong

    first set of invert

    anyone? never fought diatoms? :notsure:
  5. chingchong

    Water Movement???

    i have a 55 gal ... with 2 seio m620, a fluval 304 and hot magnum 250... the seio runs at the time and create enough flow all over the tank ... i can see currents in all 4 corners of the tank i have a total of 1700gph ... the nice thing about the seio, it's not a harsh stream ... really gentle...
  6. chingchong

    first set of invert

    poll: i have a 55 gal (at the end of its cycle apparently) I wanna catch the diatoms before it's too late. I saw the reef packages here and was considering getting the 'in the mix reef package'. has anyone order a package from here or could advice me about what to get ... i have brown algae...
  7. chingchong

    55 gal tank (experience#2)

    yea i m still going to wait a whole month anyways jsut to let pods and other things growing.. i got a fuge from ---- and i am building it ... i m just scared that the cement to glue the acrylic sides won't last... any suggestion? i m going to caulk the inside too just to make sure it won't leak...
  8. chingchong

    55 gal tank (experience#2)

    Test kit shows ammonia :0 nitrate : 0 nitrate : >5ppm I m really confused ... it's been only 2 weeks ... rocks that smell don't anymore. any idea? is it really ready?
  9. chingchong

    What' s the 411 on SEIO pumps??

    I bought 2 M620 for my 55gal. I have sugar size DSB and it doesn't blow the sand away... I provide a good gentle glow, and i can see things floating in the middle of the tank (which will be picked up by the skimmer) ... really cool investment i think.
  10. chingchong

    55 gal tank (experience#2)

    left side
  11. chingchong

    55 gal tank (experience#2)

    I got them in the mail today ... I put both in. Now, it is true that the force pushed thru the powerhead is less that my mj900 but it's a bigger and more gentle stream ... and i can tell from the waste and dirt in the tank that it's pushing water all around the tank. so, so far so good I like...
  12. chingchong

    55 gal tank (experience#2)

    ammonia = 0.50 nitrite > 0.25 no sign of nitrate ... I guess it's still cycling
  13. chingchong

    55 gal tank (experience#2)

    tested my water: ph: 8.2-8.3 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 5.0 now the question is it's been setup for exactly 10 days now ... i used the sand from my other tank + added some new one, the live rock from the other one + some new one from the LFS. Could my cycle be completed already?
  14. chingchong

    refugium to grow pods only

    where did u get them? I've to ask this question: does LS from the LFS come with worms and things in it in general? where do they come from (i know i could research but i m lazy today)
  15. chingchong

    55 gal tank (experience#2)

    about the fluval, no it's not too much pain .. i just disconnect the hoses, dump the carbon, put new one ... that's it. i have my powerhead on a wavemaker ... 30s interval ... it does create a lot of turbulence overall but nothing too bad... in the long run, i will just remove the fluval and...
  16. chingchong

    55 gal tank (experience#2)

    getting a test kit today and start logging the evolution of this tank ... i wanna see exactly after how many months/days it took for the cycle to complete, the diatom to disappear, the coralline to propagate ...
  17. chingchong

    refugium to grow pods only

    i really have no clue ... first time i'll have a fuge ... i have lr and ls in it already ...
  18. chingchong

    refugium to grow pods only

    :happy: I have a hob refugium 19x12x4in ... but no light ... I just wnat to grow pods ... do i need a light? ... Is it safe otherwise to put some caulerpa in it? I have a 55 gal... thanks.
  19. chingchong

    getting a new protein skimmer

    any1 else? the one displayed at the LFS looked good though ... lots of gunk in it
  20. chingchong

    55 gal tank (experience#2)

    close up (continued)