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  1. miamishrip

    are these all compatible?

    hmm... as long as the others will be fine - i will cancelthe other conchs and go with one.
  2. miamishrip

    are these all compatible?

    going to order 4 queen conchs, 1 decorator crab (not spider), 3 emeralds, 1 arrow crab. i currently have 1 Coral banded, 2 peppermints, 1 blood / fire shrimp... will they all get along in a 125gallon with alot of rock?
  3. miamishrip

    Silly but fun question

    hey i wanna know what the gorilla crabs name is...
  4. miamishrip

    pics of live rock

    depending on how long the lfs has had their rock curing in their tank you may be able to go directly to your tank - imo you should still cure even if just a short time just for good measure.
  5. miamishrip

    pics of live rock

    you'll need another tub if you have any life in your tank - im using a large rubbermaid with a powerhead and a heater in there because you will need waterflow and heat - do a search for an acclimation guide
  6. miamishrip

    pics of live rock

    LR from SWF gets good reviews - **Please do not post links to competitor's website** the rest of my live rock (about 75lbs) were from LFS bc they have a great selection / setup.
  7. miamishrip

    Amphipods, copopods, isopods

    great post swabear!
  8. miamishrip

    Is this for real?

    i recommend going with a cleanup for a smaller tank than yours (my 125gallon i bought a 75 gallon cleanup crew...)
  9. miamishrip


    its part of the cycle - i'm experiencing alot of brown algae right now - seems to be fading though - corraline is turning white, some parts of white now turning green, just ordered last 30lbs of rock i'll need (100lbs for my 125 gallon) - please no one tell me i need more rock i like it this...
  10. miamishrip

    return from sump blowing bubbles..

    i had the same problem a week ago - just lower your overhang box. this will allow more water into the sump - allowing your airpump to pump only water back into the tank. you only need to lower it not even a centimeter - you'll see the water level in the sump rise and youre good to go.
  11. miamishrip

    Feather Dusters

    yea i have a few that were hitchikers too and one of them is on the LR - the tube looks a little damaged but the fan (about 1 cm in diameter) looks great. can the worm move itself / repair the tube?
  12. miamishrip

    125g lighting question

    dimensions are 72x18x22
  13. miamishrip

    125g lighting question

    Hey - starting out with FOWLR tank - plan on adding coral in 5-6 months - i would like to get the lighting issue out of the way - what do you recommend for 125g tank?
  14. miamishrip

    air pump pushing water too fast.

    the pump will be fine for about half a day - i'll fill the sump to the line and after i get home from work its just about too low. yet the water in tank is at the brim. i would like to lower the tank water level but this is just impossible and very frustrating - i think i may have to cough up...
  15. miamishrip

    will my snails / inverts crawl out of the tank?

    or will they not leave the water? i ask because my tank is filled to the brim. :notsure:
  16. miamishrip

    air pump pushing water too fast.

    I am at work right now - but i do not think that is an option for this pump.
  17. miamishrip

    air pump pushing water too fast.

    I have a 125g tank with nothing but sand and saltwater in it... i have a 125 wet/dry filter and a 950gph pump - the problem is that the water being pushed back into the tank is moving faster than the water being flowed into the sump - causing the sump water to constantly be lower than the water...
  18. miamishrip

    Garf reputation

    Hey folks - Not sure if this has been discussed before but has anyone purchased the 'garf grunge' - apparently has small brittle stars / worms etc. - they say you should add a layer to the top of your live sand / substrate... please let me know as i have considered a 20lb bag of this...