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  1. miamishrip

    Flame this man!!! lol

    you arent the only one lol
  2. miamishrip

    Flame this man!!! lol

  3. miamishrip

    Flame this man!!! lol

    come on i cant afford better!
  4. miamishrip

    Flame this man!!! lol

    dont get me wrong - if i could afford better i would have it! just not in the budget right now.
  5. miamishrip

    Flame this man!!! lol

    i have tap... no problems so far.
  6. miamishrip

    The new kid on the block

    hey welcome! if you have any questions just start a thread - people are on this site almost 24/7 willing to help you out!
  7. miamishrip

    what spawned in my aquarium

    so lets say this happens (whiteish puff of 'smoke') and it comes from rock that is unviewable from outside the tank - the best we could do is just wait and hope its a good specimen?
  8. miamishrip

    what spawned in my aquarium

    interesting - i noticed the same thing in my tank yesterday and was just about to start a thread! i look forward to an answer.
  9. miamishrip

    Funny Picture...

    lol one of my ceriths has a featherduster on its shell
  10. miamishrip

    Iodine and Shrimp Molt

    you could test for iodine - then add as necessary imo.
  11. miamishrip

    water color

    hey - my water looks like it has a yellow hue when i look from the sides of the tank - i do have a diatom outbreak because the tank is only 2 months in do you think that this is causing the discoloration? my tests are fine.
  12. miamishrip

    new additions

    just got my order for SWF - 1 arrow crab, emerald green and decorator crab 2 cleaner shrimp - they all look very healthy and active - they even accepted small bits of food from my hand.... my CBS seemed upset with the new neighbors so i'm a little worried about that but a little food and he...
  13. miamishrip

    ProClear Aquatics Pro 200 Wet/Dry Filter & Skimmer - All In One

    i have a similar wet/dry - didnt read before i purchased it - going to keep it and throw a hang on refugium with protein skimmer on the back of my tank though.
  14. miamishrip

    Crushed coral - Live sand

    i bout about one third of the sand i needed as CC before reading the pros and cons - then i added the rest with LS and mixed it all up so i have some CC scattered around but plenty of sand for sifters. i ended up liking the look alot.
  15. miamishrip

    dead peppermint shrimp

    might as well take it out imo -
  16. miamishrip

    Unexpected guest

    i've seen quite a few of them in my tank - some about 5inches - i've also noticed my CBS with a worm in its clutches on several occasions - this should keep the population under control IMO.
  17. miamishrip

    I Got My Tank Today!!!!

    oh Beautiful! i too have a 125 exactly like yours - brings back some memories of the empty tank! :)
  18. miamishrip

    couldn't resist the sale...will i be ok?

    just put em all in together - in the words of Ivan Draco "if he dies, he dies."
  19. miamishrip

    can I put a small puffer in my tank?

    i heard puffers belong in tanks at least 90 gallons. Not positive though - but they are so d*mn cute and dog-like.
  20. miamishrip

    Post pics of LR before and after

    Hey folks - i dont have a pic to post but i was wondering if some of you can post pics of your LR when you first started your tank and (X) amount of Months later - i just want to get a grasp as to scale of progress on the rocks. Thanks!