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  1. robchuck

    how many countries have you been to?

    North America: -US (duh!) -Canada (tourism) -Mexico (tourism) I went on a Southern Caribbean cruise when I was 10 (of course, some of these islands are US or other countries' possessions): -St. Thomas -St. Maarten -St. Kitts -Antigua -Guadaloupe -Martinique -St. Lucia -Barbados I was a band geek...
  2. robchuck

    Project 70

    That's a nice tank! You'll love those dimensions for a reef; they're the same as the AGA 65g reef I used to have. And you can't go wrong with Giesmann lighting. Looking forward to updates. :joy:
  3. robchuck

    Just wanted to say goodbye for now...

    Take it easy, and best of luck with things!
  4. robchuck

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    Originally Posted by obarrera That's a beautiful fish, is it reef safe? So far so good!
  5. robchuck

    6-Pack: Multicolor Angel

    It originally came from Deep Reef. I bought it second-hand from a hobbyist in the area. I've also seen these fish at Petland in Naperville from time to time. In fact, Petland is where I first saw one of these fish. Congrats on the Golden Dwarf! I saw one of those at Advanced Aquatics in...
  6. robchuck

    6-Pack: Multicolor Angel

    Originally Posted by F1shMan how big is that tank? It's a 300g mixed reef.
  7. robchuck

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    Originally Posted by Andretti I hate to ask RobChuck, but how much has the tank cost you (not the cost of construction, drywall, framing, etc.) I too have a 300, but I do not have Co2 or calcium reactors, and I'm in over $8,000 I can't imagine what you final co$t must be. :notsure...
  8. robchuck

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    Originally Posted by obarrera Very nice tank, any updated pics? You should make a new video too.:) The only recent pics I have are in the thread I started on the Multicolor Angel ( I hope to make another video soon, I just need to find a...
  9. robchuck

    I want a dwarf angel any suggestions

    I added a Multicolor Angel to my tank a few weeks ago and it has yet to touch any corals. It's a deeper water fish, so it's not used to being around most corals. Here's a link to a thread I made about it:
  10. robchuck

    Wanna swim through my tank? (Video)

    Nice video! What did you use for compression? It seems like you were able to get quite a bit of video into a 10MB file. And as always, the Yellow Fiji Leather looks fantastic!
  11. robchuck

    Best Skimmer for $125

    I've been hearing alot of good things about the Coralife Super Skimmers lately. They are about in that price range and use needle-wheel pumps (ala Euro Reef).
  12. robchuck

    Bare Bottom?

    My tank uses a sump, but I don't think it matters whether or not a sump is used.
  13. robchuck

    Bare Bottom?

    My current tank is the first one I've had setup with no substrate. It's only been running for about 3 months in my care, but the previous owner had it running this way for several years for a few years. I decided to go the bare bottom route partly based on his successes with this method, but...
  14. robchuck

    Skimmer Comparison

    You know my answer! :D My Beckett skimmer (I'm the second owner of a MRC-inspired DIY skimmer) has worked very well for me. The skimmate is wetter than what I used to pull when I used needle-wheel skimmers on old systems (Euro Reef, Turboflotor). The skimmate is also slightly nastier than...
  15. robchuck

    6-Pack: Multicolor Angel

    Originally Posted by jam marine Hey robchuk,beautiful fish u got there,i personally love angels,but it is a shame they are 50/50 in a reef,let me know how this one does in your tank :D So far so good. This particular fish is collected from deeper waters (80'-200') than most other Centropyge...
  16. robchuck

    6-Pack: Multicolor Angel

    And a bonus shot of my photogenic tangs
  17. robchuck

    6-Pack: Multicolor Angel

    Swimming through a big leather
  18. robchuck

    6-Pack: Multicolor Angel

    My Purple Tang showing the new guy who's boss (actually, they get along really well and I haven't seen really any aggression)
  19. robchuck

    6-Pack: Multicolor Angel

    Swimming back to safety
  20. robchuck

    6-Pack: Multicolor Angel

    The Multicolor having a face-to-face with my Desjardini Sailfin