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  1. robchuck

    6-Pack: Multicolor Angel

  2. robchuck

    6-Pack: Multicolor Angel

    Almost two weeks ago, I picked up a Multicolor Angel from a local hobbyist. I've admired this fish for quite awhile, so when I saw this one for sale locally at a price I could afford, I jumped all over it. The fish was quite shy for about the first 10 days in my reef, but is now becoming more...
  3. robchuck

    Flow Meter

    I've seen them at a large aquaculture supplier. From what I remember, they ran several hundred dollars.
  4. robchuck

    180 inwall reef... finially some pics

    Nice work bud! What are your plans for trim around the opening? I just finished the trim work around my tank a few weekends ago after leaving it for several weeks, and was amazed at how much better the tank looked with the trim. Please tell us more about your beautiful setup! And more pics too!
  5. robchuck

    looking for a old post???

    Originally Posted by joker_ca Didnt It Have A Canyon Look To It Yep
  6. robchuck

    Typhoon RO/DI filter replacement?

    Depending on what your input water is like, you may or may not need to replace any of the filters. If you have access to a TDS meter, check the TDS of the output water. Anything above 25TDS or so, I would recommend changing the filters.
  7. robchuck

    Foamboard under Acrylic tank?

    I was going to use 1/2" styrofoam under my acrylic tank, but the tank sat too close to the top of the opening in the wall when I first slid the tank in place. Instead, I used a sheet of an industrial waterproofing felt (about 1/8" thick). It's just thick enough to absorb any imperfections in...
  8. robchuck

    looking for a old post???

    That sounds like Steve Weast's tank. I recall that he created a website about his tank sometime last year, but I can't remember the address.
  9. robchuck

    New Reef Tank Progression (Pics)

    That's a great sized tank for a reef. Good luck, and I look forward to seeing your reef progress!
  10. robchuck

    Whats Your Favorite Coral

    I'm a fan of LPS corals and my favorites are any of the Euphyllias, especially Hammers and Frogspawn.
  11. robchuck

    My new Sailfin!!!

    Nice fish! I have a Red Sea (Desjardini) Sailfin in my tank as well, and it's my favorite fish! Glad to hear yours is already eating well. exile415, There are two types of Sailfin tangs that are closely related: Zebrasoma veliferum is the common sailfin, and Zebrasoma desjardini (what...
  12. robchuck

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    Those should be all of the photos that were lost in the message board upgrade. Hopefully, I'll have some updated pics of the tank and room posted in the next few days. I'm also working at getting some better shots of the Multicolor Angel.
  13. robchuck

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    Here are a few random shots from the "early days" of this tank:
  14. robchuck

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    Here is a shot I took of the back of the reef from inside the utility room:
  15. robchuck

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    This is the best pic I could get showing both viewable sides (after first setting up the tank):
  16. robchuck

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    My Beckett skimmer before I hooked it up (it's DIY, but identical in almost every way to the MRC MR-2):
  17. robchuck

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    A look into the fishroom and the back side of the reef:
  18. robchuck

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    A look inside the window on the left side (taken 4/19/05):
  19. robchuck

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    My clowns after they first paired up and before they took to the anemones:
  20. robchuck

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    Right side (the leathers were looking a little sad then!):