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  1. sid2003

    You have to see this!

    Exactly how I feel polarpooch!!!:D
  2. sid2003

    Starving Snails???

    WELCOME TO SALTWATERFISH.COM---Nice to meet ya! -Sid
  3. sid2003

    Pics of rare fish species

    Take this oppertunity to post your rare fish or fish not affiliated with this website. Thanks-Sid
  4. sid2003

    my brain is massive...

    I love brain corals. I plan on getting one in the future. Can you tell me about them? Thanks-Sid
  5. sid2003

    You have to see this!

  6. sid2003

    Discolored live sand?

    The tank is over 6 mos. old. Is this normal?:confused:
  7. sid2003

    Discolored live sand?

    It's just the top layer of sand that turns brown. How do i get rid of it?
  8. sid2003

    Discolored live sand?

    When I first turn on the light in the morning the live sand looks normal but by the end of the day it has turned all brown. What could this be? Diatoms? I purchased a sand sifting star but he can't handle the job. What should I do? When I see other people's tanks they dont have this problem?
  9. sid2003

    unusual pics

    Whats are those suppose to be? :confused:
  10. sid2003

    tank set up

    Looks good to me! I do suggest the coral beauty! They are so beautiful!:D
  11. sid2003

    Pics from Key Largo

    I wish so bad that i could go diving somewhere! Awsome pics! Looks like fun!
  12. sid2003

    bristle worm

    They're useful sure, but damn they're scary lookin!:eek:
  13. sid2003

    I cant believe it!

    So they will eat my coralline algae? If they do then i dont want it in my tank. I would rather keep the coralline! Its very pretty!
  14. sid2003

    I cant believe it!

    Thats exactly what it is! I'm glad it's there now, I could use another algae eater! Thanks!:D
  15. sid2003

    I cant believe it!

    The other day I got home and looked at my tank. Low and behold what do I find? :eek: A baby starfish on the side of the glass! The tank has been up for about 6 mos. Suddenly this little guy just pops up out of nowhere. It is so amazing what things you will find in your tank so...
  16. sid2003

    Coral beauty

    As for everyone who posted something constructive towards the topic, I thank you! I know that I must not rush on the 55gal. As for the coral beauty, it has been a month and the fish is doing great! It is very docile and spends most of the day swimming through the crevices the in lr. IMO the...
  17. sid2003

    55 gallon- suggestions

    Any suggestions on the fish i should keep? I know i want to keep a coral beauty, flame angel, a solon fairy wrasse. By the way, Will the two angels get along?
  18. sid2003

    Post pics of your favorite fish or invert!

    cool mandarin!
  19. sid2003

    Coral beauty

    Thanks lesley! Im keeping the 25 gal though. Its gonna be a while til i get the 55 running though cause we're remodeling so that will take about a month. :D
  20. sid2003

    Post pics of your favorite fish or invert!

    Post your pics of your favorite fish or invert!