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  1. sid2003

    Just some pics

    sorry waterfaller:(
  2. sid2003

    Tank backrounds

    How would you go about putting a black background on a tank? Someone told me to paint it but that didnt sound too good and a little messy. They do have backgrounds at the lfs. How do they work?
  3. sid2003

    What to do with my 10 gallon tank?

    I have a 10 gallon tank set up now that is running 0f a penguin 125 right now and I was wondering what my options were with the tank concerning fish and corals. Thanks
  4. sid2003

    Air stone ok?

    why would the airstone hurt the inverts of corals? Also if I keep the salinity of the tank constant will it be okay?
  5. sid2003

    Air stone ok?

    Is it ok to put an air stone in a reef tank. The tank is 10 gallons and I plan on putting one fish in it and some corals. The air stone is long and creates a bubble curtain along the back of the glass.
  6. sid2003

    Just some pics

  7. sid2003

    Just some pics

  8. sid2003


    Will the bioload of a tank inhibit the growth or health of corals? Mainly mushrooms and Pumping Xenias.
  9. sid2003

    Just some pics

  10. sid2003

    Private messaging?

    How come you cant send people private messages?
  11. sid2003


    I'd like to ba a moderator! What tests do you have to take?
  12. sid2003

    # Of fish safe in 29 gallon?

    what did i tell you shine~on, didnt take them long to comment on that tang did it.:D
  13. sid2003

    55gal. stocking list

    I havent purchased that tank yet. I'm planning out its constuction. What type of filtration do you recommend?
  14. sid2003


    How do you become one?
  15. sid2003

    55gal. stocking list

    Hows this sound? 1 coral beauty 1 yellow tang 1 red head solon fairy wrasse 3 green chromis 5 nassarius snails 5 scarlet hermits 2 cleaner shrimp corals also (not sure yet what kinds) leaning toward pumping xenia Multiple mushrooms I'm open for debate. Also I' am really fond of tangs, If...
  16. sid2003

    eco system question

    I agree w/ col! You should-when dealing with saltwater fish-always get several opinions on the matter before you make a decision you may regret in the future!
  17. sid2003

    # Of fish safe in 29 gallon?

    The people on this website are very opinionated and will tell you very quickly that that yellow tang shouldnt be in that small of a tank! Alot of them think that a 55 gallon would be questionable. Most people will tell you to stick with smaller fish such as clowns, some gobies etc.. IMO I...
  18. sid2003

    Best Movie ever

    :D She's my favorite!
  19. sid2003

    Just some pics

  20. sid2003

    Just some pics
