Search results

  1. sid2003

    Clownfish query

    thanks for the replies! I just got him to eat.:D
  2. sid2003

    Clownfish query

    I know the clownfish questions have to get old but sorry. I got a clownfish yesterday and every time i turn on the light he swims all over the tank against the glass as if he is chasing his reflection, or trying to find a way out. He doesnt stop either. I checked a few parameters like PH...
  3. sid2003


    I need some info on some corals. I have a 25gal hex w/ a 18 watt 50/50. I need to know what kinds i can keep. Please post pics and living conditions for them. Thanks!
  4. sid2003

    coral websites

    anyone know any websites with pics and info on different corals?
  5. sid2003

    Boxing crab

    I am interested in buying a boxing crab for my 25gal hex. Currently i have a pair of peppermint shrimp, a couple of scarlets, a pair of snails, bluelegs, and a fire shrimp. Will this crab be okay in my tank and will it get along with the rest of my inhabitants? Note: i do plan on buying small...
  6. sid2003

    ordering from

    Is it possible to simultaneously order from the dry goods section and the u-build it section?
  7. sid2003

    Flame Angel

    thanks lionstorm
  8. sid2003

    Flame Angel

    what inhabitants do you have in your tank aarone?
  9. sid2003

    Flame Angel

    i really already knew i couldnt do it. I wish so bad i had the room to keep a 100gal but space is limited. For now ill have to stick it out with my hex. i really do like it though. i have spent alot of time with lr decorating it and adding plants. its really pretty. hey aarone, by the way...
  10. sid2003

    Flame Angel

    Right now i have a 25 gal hex set up that just went through its' cycle. So far i have added a fire shrimp, a couple of bluelegs and scarlets, and a pair of peppermints to rid the tank of (apstasia) never really found out how to spell that. The minute i saw a flame angel i fell in love! I want...
  11. sid2003

    coraline algae

    do shrimp, crabs, and snails eat coraline algae? If they do i dont need to get them b/c my algae is pretty and i want to keep it!
  12. sid2003


    what does RO/DI stand for? sorry... thanks in advance.
  13. sid2003


    my tank has only cycled for a couple weeks is it ok to add the shrimp etc. yet?
  14. sid2003


    I just got a few pieces of live rock from the lfs and they have little brown anenomes on them as well as some green algae and bubble algae. I want to kill everything on the rock except the coraline algae. How do i go about this as safe as possible? and will it hurt my lr?
  15. sid2003


  16. sid2003


    Is it ok to add live rock to a tank over extended periods of time and change the appearence of the tank? Also i have a brita water filter that i use when adding water to the tank, is it ok to use that? Does it help?
  17. sid2003

    looking to buy in louisiana

    if you have anything to sell please reply w/ an email address and i shall get back to you very soon! I am looking to buy SW setups including tank, lighting, filtration, and stand. Also live rock!
  18. sid2003

    Willing to buy in the Baton Rouge area

    if you have anything to sell and you live in the Baton Rouge area please reply! I am willing to buy whole salt water setups!
  19. sid2003

    AIM screennames

    Here is mine-sidceasar03
  20. sid2003

    AIM screennames

    If anyone would like to post their AIM screename to get one on one help please do so here.