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  1. undulate*


    what is the purpose of moonlights in your aquarium and do you need them with corals?
  2. undulate*


    yah a niger at the juvinile age would be ok i dont have much experience with them in their adult stages but i kept a juvi niger with a coral beauty and 2 percs. Umm yer kinda limmited for triggers because some of them can get really aggressive. Reid
  3. undulate*

    fav band?

    nice choices fishy
  4. undulate*


    yah i play lacrosse and im 13. I live in Canada and lacrosse was made it canada!!! Yah man lol Except i play indoor lacrosse like the NLL.
  5. undulate*

    what can i have with a green moray eel

    silversides, shrimp, brine, mixed foods, scalops And dragon marays are sweet!:D
  6. undulate*

    what can i have with a green moray eel

    yah i know both my eels jumped out and it was sealed off except they busted through the plastic:nope:
  7. undulate*

    Bursa Trigger Help - Light Spots

    maybe its ick:notsure: are the spots white?
  8. undulate*


    so where do you put it in to dip it and so forth. How does the dip process work and how much tech-d do you use?
  9. undulate*


    you said tech-d right cause SWF doesnt sell Tech-d they sell like Tech-i and others.
  10. undulate*


    where can i get this tech-d stuff because i live in canada i hope they sell it here:notsure:
  11. undulate*


    ill try to set up a Qt tank or ill just limit my corrals cause im only 13 and i cant get a job anywhere so i dont have lots of money
  12. undulate*


    what do you mean by glued? and should i quarentine corals before they go into the main tank?
  13. undulate*


    Im new to corals and didnt want to post this in the corals or reef forum cause its a kinds newbie question. when placing corals an you do it by free hand and set them in any place or how do you have to do this... Reid
  14. undulate*

    Begginer Reef

    Ok i was thinking zoos to thanx for the info it helped alot
  15. undulate*

    New Addition

    oo that is really cool to bad im not gonna have a big enough tank for butterfly`s:notsure:
  16. undulate*

    Begginer Reef

    yah i will get that and how much are MH lights?? But i was trying to figure out what would be the easiest corals to care for..:D
  17. undulate*

    Begginer Reef

    well im not to good with lighting but im gonna have some kind of metal halide and actinics
  18. undulate*

    Begginer Reef

    I am not an expert at SWF but i was thinking in getting some corals for my 45. For someone who is just starting in reef what would you suggest..
  19. undulate*

    Acropora Pics

    That sweet i wish i was good enough at SWF to have a reef tank like that.
  20. undulate*

    fav band?

    I have lots.. Pantera:happy: Metallica :happy: Pennywise:happy: A static lullaby:happy: AFI:happy: No use for a name:happy: The used:happy: But the Most would have to be Rage Against the Machine!!!:happy: :happy: :happy: