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  1. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    This is the order. The overflow drains into a filter sock on the left side. The protein skimmer is also in that first chamber. The into the refug which will have either mud or live sand (never used mud before) and chaeto. It will have about 650 gph running through it with running a rio 12hf. I...
  2. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    Come on folks. I could use some help here. Also going to the coral farmers market on sunday. Really excited. Hoping to pick up some awesome corals
  3. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    So i ordered my new sump tank today. It's a 30g show. 36x16x12 I am gonna try my hand in putting in the baffles. We'll see how it goes. I added a picture to show you my idea on where and what i am doing. first baffle is 10" tall. Then the baffles to the refug are 5 inches from the bottom then...
  4. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    Yeah. I am just super lucky to have 2 very good coral frag stores in my area. I can for sure say if I went with what my local lfs has for coral choice, I would have some ugly corals.
  5. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    Okay so here is a picture of one the corals I bought. I finally got my purple rim monti cap. It was awesome until I bumped it when vacuuming the crap out of my tank and chipped off a piece (still awesome but kinda pissed for not being a tad more careful) Also I think one of my hermits hit my...
  6. hollywooddiver

    Torch question

    So i have a question about my torch. I have looked at others torch corals and never have i seen bumps and such. I dunno if it is normal or if it is a disease. Its only on some the tentacles at the tip or middle. Here are some pictures to show you. Thank you
  7. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    Hola folks. So I picked up some new stuff today. I got a Purple rim monti cap and a pearl bubble coral. I am way excited. They are getting acclimated right now and will be in my tank in a bit. I will take pictures when I get them placed. Also just on a weird note. As through evap, I loose water...
  8. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    No I am not sure. They very well could be. So should I (from now on) just use a dropper and squirt some of the food I am feeding at the dusters? When I feed the food floats by them and through the feathers, but I will spot feed from now on.
  9. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    When feeding the tank I just turn off the return and dump food on each side of the tank. I will start spot feeding the one that still has its crown. I never see the fish messing with them. I do know that the hermits will climb on them and pick at the shell but thats it. We lost one a couple...
  10. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    Hehe. Well u thank you for responding and making me feel like I can get help and hope on here.
  11. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    No i understood. Kinda gave me some hope with this. Cause I have had some that say it will NOT grow back if they toss the plume
  12. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    hmm. I feed my tank a lot but I don't spot feed so it could be a lack of food. I have heard the same, but never have I heard it from someone who had them grow back. So I guess I will have some hope. I made sure all my levels were fine so I guess I can just ride it out and see.
  13. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    So one of my dusters tossed it's crown this morning. i hope it will grow it back and survive. I have never dealt with it before. Any advice?
  14. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    Some more pictures i decided to take when i was sitting at the tank. Hermits. Thats all. LOL
  15. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    Ok so i picked up a neon goby today. So i guess we'll see what happens. Hopefully it will work out and this problem will get nipped in the bud. I also adjusted my tank temps so now there isn't so much of a flux.
  16. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    hmmmm. I might give that a try. Another thing I noticed was my temperature flux my DT went through. I adjusted that so now we will see what will happen. My powder blue couldn't be pulled out (couldn't catch him), so we started dosing the DT with ich attack. Yesterday my PBT was covered in white...
  17. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    Our xenia that started as a small frag and our new feather duster (yes we have 3 now)
  18. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    Oh yeah. No way. hehe
  19. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    I shall. I'm going to give this rid ich a week then i'll try hypo. I feel bad for my fish. He went from my DT to a tiny cube in a copper system to a 10g with rid ich and then maybe hypo. This tang is a trooper.
  20. hollywooddiver

    HollywoodDiver's 60G reef diary

    So bubbles keep forming all over my sand. Any ideas how they are getting there and how to get rid of them?