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  1. johnny84

    Microsoft Windows Vista

    My copy of Vista arrives today, I will intall it on my laptop this weekend but I wont install it on any of my other pc's, I want to see how it reacts to drivers and other software first.
  2. johnny84

    Microsoft Windows Vista

    I bought a copy for testing purposes as well.
  3. johnny84

    Microsoft Windows Vista

    From what I have read, performance drops 5% with Vista. Some applications drop 35% in performance, so I will take a wait and see attitude with Vista.
  4. johnny84

    flame angel questions

    The only advice I would give is add him last and I see that is what your doing. I added some fish after I added my flame angel and he attacked them so the Flame had to go. Other then that he was great, he never swam too far away from the live rock, he was always grazing on it.
  5. johnny84

    Lighting times

    Yeah thats what I do, its working for me. Not sure what everyone else does.
  6. johnny84

    Lighting times

    I have my actinics come on an hour before my metal hallides come on. Currently my Actinics come on at 11:00 am and my hallides come on at Noon. My Hallides then turn off at 9pm and my actinics turn off at 10pm at this time my moon lights come on. Hope that helped.
  7. johnny84

    Evansi Anthias

    Originally Posted by Kelly Anthias species are all hermaphroditic. This means that if a dominant male dies, the largest female will often morph into a male and take its place in the hierarchy. You may get lucky if you have a female already, and if you have a male all is well. Kelly Yeah I knew...
  8. johnny84

    Evansi Anthias

    no not yet, haven't had time yet.
  9. johnny84

    Evansi Anthias

    bump^ Anyone ?
  10. johnny84

    So what Anthias can be kept singlely?

    I have an Evansi Anthia, had him/her for a month now and is doing just fine. Very peaceful fish.
  11. johnny84

    Evansi Anthias

    Hey everyone, I have an Evansi Anthia, had him/her for about a month now and doing good. I noticed on SWF they have one in stock, its a female. Does anyone know how to tell a male from a female evansi anthia? If I infact have a male at home I would seriously think about getting the female...
  12. johnny84

    The Mcnabbster

    Originally Posted by TurningTim This is much ado about nothing. Please anyone who thinks any team would take a 37 yo Garcia over a 30 yo McNabb is insane. Reid has stated along with Garcia that this is McNabb's team and will remain as such. I agree it has been a long road to hoe for McNabb and...
  13. johnny84

    The Mcnabbster

    Originally Posted by Ice4Ice And you make it sounds like T.O. is a saint ?! McNabb is only venting out his frustrations with the media and the rumours of him being traded and the coach not letting him travel to N.O. to be with the team. First of all, it is a team rule that no one on IR travels...
  14. johnny84

    The Mcnabbster

    Mcnabb just needs to grow up and play football !! He is the best QB this town has seen in such a long long time. He will continue to be criticized until he wins the super bowl. So just shut up and play.
  15. johnny84

    lets here it for bush

    Unfortunely the United States has taken the role of "big brother" or "World Police" while other strong countries like China just sit back and watch us make a fool of ourselves.
  16. johnny84

    lets here it for bush

    Originally Posted by reefreak29 u think were paying alot for gas now just wait till the democrats use more ethanol in are gasoline , not only will gas go up but watch out for food prices Oh come one, our cheapest gas prices were when a democrat was in office.
  17. johnny84

    Flame Angel NOT Reef Safe!

    no problem, good luck
  18. johnny84

    lets here it for bush

    yeah this is all your fault lol
  19. johnny84

    Damsels in a reef

    Sorry Sara, I didnt know you were a woman, my appologies. I am not fighting with anyone just dont like the post about getting rid of them just because they are aggressive, I had a domino damsel once and he was really cool, just too aggressive for me and I took him out and sold him.
  20. johnny84

    Damsels in a reef

    but he said he only had a 29 gallon tank and he knows that they are aggressive. Maybe he just likes damsels, nothing wrong with that.