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  1. djcanis

    Sump Return Pump

    There is no pump, its in thhe syphon tube in the overflow, its about the size of a nickle or so, I have tried to move the tube, I even tride to put some air tube in there and suck the air out, but cant get rid of the last little bit. I think drilling the tank isnt much of an option at this...
  2. djcanis

    Sump Return Pump

    I do have an air pocket in the U tube in the overflow box, I can get rid of it... Any suggestions? It sits right at the top of the upside U.
  3. djcanis

    Sandbed questions

    I think, and I could be wrong, it depends on what you plans are. Both shallow and deep sand beds have benefits. Deep beds dont get cleaned by snad sifters and what not so any sand cleaning crew would be bad in a deep bed. A deep bed if I recall is 4" and over... I know there is a danger...
  4. djcanis

    Does anyone use an AquaMedic T1000 Skimmer?

    Just looking for someone that uses the same skimmer, wanted some advice. I bought it used and am still trying to tweak it... Thanks...
  5. djcanis

    Sump Return Pump

    Cool, my return pump is not a variable speed, I cant adjust it, I just get 500gph. My sump is not a true sump in the sense that there is no LR or anything. Its not partitioned, its a 30 gal tank, the overflow dumps into the back left corner, I have my skimmer in there, a hang on filter...
  6. djcanis

    Sump Return Pump

    So put a T on my return line with on going to the DT and one going back to the sump with a valve... That could work theoritically...
  7. djcanis

    Sump Return Pump

    Im at work so I dont have pics readily avail. Here is the closest I could find to the overflow I have. On the one I have the skimmer box inside the tank is adjustable so you can change the height of it... I believe its to increase/decrease flow... Off the overflow I have 2" pvc pipe running...
  8. djcanis

    Sump Return Pump

    Its a 90 gal, but yeah, thats why I have not added any more water to the system... I just take tank water and bucket it to fill the sump back up... If my sump was to drain completely I would have about 10 to 12 gal of water on the floor...
  9. djcanis

    Sump Return Pump

    Prefilters? It came with a black mesh like tube for for the drain and a bunch of the green pads which I took out to try to increase flow...
  10. djcanis

    Sump Return Pump

    With the water I have now, 90 in teh tank 20 in the sump, I have about half of an inch... When the sump runs low I have maybe a quarter of an inch to teh top of the tank, if I shut the the return off and let the sump fill I get just over an inch...
  11. djcanis

    Sump Return Pump

    Yes, that makes sense, but I dont know how to increase teh water levelin my tank, its an open top 90, but its alread up to the top. Any more and I have water pouring over the lip... My overflow is a 2 part box, the giant box on the outside and a smaller 2 stage box with in the tank. It is...
  12. djcanis

    Sump Return Pump

    I really didnt do much calculation, It was more working with what I had. I set up the 90 and used my old 30 for the sump. The overslow was rated at 450gphI believe, and the closest return pump I could find was 500.
  13. djcanis

    Sump Return Pump

    I dont think I am following you... I dont know if I can increase my overall water volume... I have a 90 gal tank with a 30 gal sump, I try to keep it over half full so around 20 gal in the sump. The tank stays topped off daily so I can increase the volume there at all. I have the overflow...
  14. djcanis

    Sump Return Pump

    I try to maintain a good level, but the return pumps more back to the tank then the overflow feeds. I put a valve on the overflow but I have it fully open. I couldnt find a smaller return pump so I am battling changing water levels and worry about the sump running dry and frying the pumps if I...
  15. djcanis

    Sump Return Pump

    Is it ok to put a ball valve on the return line to my DT from the sump return pump. Its a needle wheel 500 gph. Its pumping back a little more then the overflow box dumps into the sump so I have to add water or turn off the pump in intervals. I am not sure if putting a valve on the return...
  16. djcanis

    Candy Canes in the A.M.

    Never seen that on my candy canes although my orange dendro does the same with the lights off and in the early am...
  17. djcanis

    Mushroom Frags

    I was wondering, for mushrooms, if you want to attach loose ones to rock, do you use gel superglue just like other corals?
  18. djcanis

    Algae overgrowing Coral

    I was debating that, but I have never attempted to cut frags, it was a $10 buck piece from the LFS abrgin bin, but it was also my 1st coral ever... this is my first reef tank... So it does have a special place in my heart... lol
  19. djcanis

    Algae overgrowing Coral

    I have 18 asterias in a 90 gal, 10 ninja and 8 turbo's they stick mostly to the glass, also have 20 hermits and 4 peppermint shrimp. Only fish are 2 3/4" true perc's so I dont feed much, maybe a pinch every 2 days or so... I had teh algae problem before teh fish, and before I fed anything...
  20. djcanis

    Algae overgrowing Coral

    Its hair algae, I know the root cause in the tank, low flow in areas and too long of a light cycle, both have been addresses, but the stuff doesnt die off it seems, so... I need advise on how to get the algae off of a piece of coral without damaging the coral...