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  1. djcanis

    Aqua Medic T1000 Protein Skimmer

    I bought a T1000 used. I am trying to design and build my sump. Anyone have or know where I could find some pics of ones in setups... Thanks
  2. djcanis

    Cycle Questions

    There is no live stock in the tank. I started cycling on Sunday. 90lbs of sand with 2lbs of live sand, and 45lbs of dry base rock, 30lbs of LR from my 29 gal tank (its only had rock, water and powerheads since jan.) 55 lbs of LR from a 300 gal tank a friend took down and about 10 lbs from the...
  3. djcanis

    Cycle Questions

    Just did a water test, Ammonia was .25, Nitrites were back to 0 (tested twice) and Nitrates was up near 10. I am little confused, very different readings from yesterday... Any thoughts?
  4. djcanis

    I have a SAND question.

    does it look like this?
  5. djcanis

    Good Reef Safe Livestock List

    Thank you! Thats why I am trying to get a head start and not make the same mistakes twice... I was getting frustrated at looking at individual fish to find out what is reef safe. I read that some of the volitans are? Now when they say dwarf, does that imply the fish is a dwarf and will only...
  6. djcanis

    Cycle Questions

    Just took the shrimp out, that has to be one of the nastiest experiences of my life... Retested the water, Ammonia is just under .50 and nitrites look to be about .25 Thats all I tested at the moment... Also scraped off the hair algee, it receded a lot since I have left the light off the last...
  7. djcanis

    Good Reef Safe Livestock List

    I am just starting the cycle on my 90gal reef tank, and want to start to get an idea of how I want to stock the tank. Anyone know of a good link or thread that has a list of reef safe live stock. I am getting a little frustrated looking at each individual fish to see if its reef safe. So far...
  8. djcanis

    Cycle Questions

    Joe - What do you mean "becareful with the time frame for each regent"?
  9. djcanis

    Hobbyist Opinions and Suggestions

    You dont have to drill into the tank. Your gonna need an overflow box, that will supply the sump. A return pump in the sump will feed water back into the DT. This is a great place to get started and get some ideas, I am currently building my first...
  10. djcanis

    Cycle Questions

    Ran the tests twice, the ammonia test was just under .50 Nitrites were as clear blue as could be... Tank has been cycling for about 5 days now... I will get rid of the shrimp and retest tonight...
  11. djcanis

    Cycle Questions

    Ran the first test, here are the results... Should I leave the shrimp in the tank or get it out... Its all bloated and puffy, its pretty gnarly looking... Ammonia - .45 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 15 Phosphate - 0 pH - 7.9 SG - 1.022
  12. djcanis

    How much longer?

    Its not a set ammount of time, could be a day could be a week, the important things is making sure your levels are at zero, every time you add any type of livestock to your tank, you may see a spike, so go slow. Add a fish, test, wait a few days or week, let the tank balance out and then add...
  13. djcanis

    Cycle Questions

    I had already started seeding the sand bed. I got a pound from the local fish store and put that in when I filled the tank and then got a large baggie from a friend out of his reef tank and dumped that in.
  14. djcanis

    ID please

    I dont have any cleaning crew. The tank was set up this weekend, so this is day 3 of the cycle, I havetn even done any tests yet... I will run the gammet tonight and post the results. It could be tap water, I am looking into a RO/DI filter. I left the light off today and am gonna get in...
  15. djcanis

    ID please

    anyone have any idea what this is on the sand? It wasnt there when I left for work this morning. Its like a brown layer of dust, almost rust colored, its on some of the rock too. Tank has been up for a week, stil cycling. Pics are below. Thanks
  16. djcanis

    Cycle Questions

    I was looking at getting the 2 stage phosban reactor for the sump, running one chamber with carbon the other with the phospate for the algae. Would that help with the hair algae?
  17. djcanis

    Cycle Questions

    Of the 130lbs, 30 was from my old tank which has just been under water and powerheads since jan. 45 lbs of base rock, 5 from the LFS and 50 from a guy who just took down his tank. So all in all 55 was established LR, 30 was not sure how live it is now and 45 is dry uncured rock... Was gonna...
  18. djcanis

    Cycle Questions

    Asome, thank you. The hair algee, at least that what I think it is, is only on a 7lb piece I picked up on Sunday, I was at the LFS and saw this cool looking piece so I had to get it, its now the center piece of the DT. I will post pic later. I have been running the lights about 10 hrs a day...
  19. djcanis

    Cycle Questions

    Ok, so I got all my aquascaping done, ended up with 130lbs of LR and 92 of sand in a 90gal DT. I picked up a piece of knarly LR at the LFS, it is covered in dusters and some kind of what I think is hair algee. I put it in the tank at the same time as I threw in a shrimp to start my cycle...
  20. djcanis

    Sump design, ok now I am confused

    Dont feel so bad man, I am in the same boat, I am currently building a sump for my 90 gal. It has been one of the most confusing and difficult things associated with this tank... You can see from the thread a few below, I am now on the 3rd design and havent even started to piece it...