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  1. djcanis

    Algae overgrowing Coral

    I asked a few days ago and never got a response except for general advise to get rid of the hair algae... My blenny is doing a good job of grazing and I got 2 more Korelia #'3 on the way... My question is, I have a star polyp frag that is becoming overgrown with algae... How do I get the...
  2. djcanis

    Hair Algae and Corals

    My flow could be better, I just ordered 2 more of the Korelia #2's. My sump is nto really set up to well, its more of a place to put the skimmer. I feed every other day and since I only have 2 3/4" clows, I feed very little. Lights are timmed, 8 1/2 hours a day. I test every other day and...
  3. djcanis

    Hair Algae and Corals

    Ok, so I have green hair algae growing like crazy. It is starting to grow over my star polyps... What should I do? Is this bad for the coral? I run lights 8 1/2 hrs a day, all the water paramaters are fine, top offs daily and 10% every other week for water changes... Not sure what to do...
  4. djcanis

    ID Help and Gorg Question

    I dont have one, I was asking before I seriously look into them...
  5. djcanis

    Red / Maroon Colored Algae Problem

    Could be Cyano, (red slime algae). Do you have any pics? Do a thread search, there are a ton of them with pics and steps to get rid of it...
  6. djcanis

    And another stupid question, Sorry!

    What are you looking at in terms of a stock list? Are you going fish only or a reef tank? What do you have for a clean up crew?
  7. djcanis

    And another stupid question, Sorry!

    If you were gonna cycle you woudl have already. Bring some water to the LFS, have them test it, if its good to go, I would say go ahead, just dont add to much at once. A fish or 2, wait, test, see if you get any water level change from the livestock. Give it a week or 2 and then add...
  8. djcanis

    And another stupid question, Sorry!

    I recently set up a new 90 gal, put 90 of new bagged sand with 45lbs of dry base rock and close to 90 from 3 different established tanks that were torn down. I never had a real ammonia spike and cycle, but I did have a fw days of massive diatom growth before adding the cleaning crew... Any...
  9. djcanis

    And another stupid question, Sorry!

    What are you using for a substrate? Crushed COral, Live Sand? If the rock you got was from an established tank and wasnt out of the water for too long, you may not see any spike... The spike in ammonia and nitrites are caused by die off, which if you didnt have much wouldnt result in the...
  10. djcanis

    Kent Coral-Vite

    Anyone use this stuff? Thoughts, opinions...
  11. djcanis

    ID Please

    The top one is a zoo? Now you say mid to low level, thats where I should have the coral in the tank? I have the light about 8 inches off the top of the water level. Now how agressive are they in terms of growth? Are they fast growing? And also in terms of testing, I test teh usual, Amm...
  12. djcanis

    ID Please

    I picked these up in the "Frag Bargin Bin" at a couple LFS's. They had no clue what they are. The first, I cant find online nor in posts or pics here... The second is a Green Star Polyp I believe and the 3rd is some type of mushroom, the pic isnt great but its purple and bright green. Now...
  13. djcanis

    ID Help and Gorg Question

    I have dual 150wt MH, a 96wt 10,000K and a 96wt acatenic (sp) on a 90 gal. Dual Korela #3's, Aqua Medic T1000 skimmer in a 20gal sump. I was told as I was piecing the lights together that with the set up I have there really isnt much in terms of corals I cant have.
  14. djcanis

    ID Help and Gorg Question

    Here is a pic, I also picked up 2 things from the "bargin bin" at the LFS, its just a bowl with random frags. The first pic is the unidentified thing, second is a muchroom of some sort, its purple and green and the last is a green zoo I believe. As for set up, 90 gal, 130LR, 95LS, dual 150wt...
  15. djcanis

    ID Help and Gorg Question

    how fast does Gorgonians grow?
  16. djcanis

    long hair green algae

    I am having a problem with hair algae as well. Its only growing on one specific rock, I ahve taken it out scrubbed it clean twice, cut my lights back and it still keeps coming back. Tank is only a month old, cycle finished Sunday and I added part 1 of a cleaning crew monday (6 ninja asteria...
  17. djcanis

    ID Help Please

    My apologies about the pics, the handheld camera has trouble focusing when its zoomed in that far... The middle one looks like a sponge at times, when there lights are on full, its all closed in, white puffy, almost like a cotton ball, I had them for awhile in the old tank, but never saw them...
  18. djcanis

    ID Help Please

    The top thing is pretty big and keeps growing, its growing toward the powerhead in the flow. The second is about the size of a quarter when its open which seems to be in lower light, I only have 1 10,000 K on now and its blooming but if I thun the MH's on it closes up and looks like a piece of...
  19. djcanis

    Long Hair Algae?

    Yeah, about it floating away... What happens? I had some, took the rock out to scrub it off cause I dont have any livestock yet and as i was takign the rock out I lost some. It floated away...
  20. djcanis

    Aqua Medic T1000 Protein Skimmer

    I posted this in another section but this is the most comon and most read. I bought a used T1000 and am currently building my sump. Can anyone post or shoot me a link to pics of T1000 in running setups. Trying to figure out how to set everything up. Thanks