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  1. dubba-r

    Your Photos..

    Heres my volitan lion
  2. dubba-r

    Best Protein Skimmer and Filtration for a 120?

    My tank specs are below. All parameters are fine, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 15 nitrate. Don't have much LR, only about 60-65 pounds, but I dont have a heavy fish load also. Only gonna add one more big fish. IMO, the best maintenance is on your part with weekly water changes to keep the tank in...
  3. dubba-r

    Powers out . . what now?

    The only time I could see it being worth it is if it is very very cold at the time One of the reasons to get a backup battery. You don't want temperature swings to stress the fish out. For me I just picked up 2 600VA battery backups (which are not that expensive, $25 each) just to power a...
  4. dubba-r

    New Lion :)

    WOW:eek:..the smallest p.volitan ive seen. Nice though.
  5. dubba-r

    I'll never use GARLIC again

    Maybe he he was a vampire!!! LOL!!
  6. dubba-r

    Most Beautiful fish.....

    Beautiful fish indeed, though I don't have a sufficient or appropriate environment for one. But I would rate it behind angels though, especially emperors and of course my queen! :D
  7. dubba-r

    R/O-DI systems

    Great post guys. Getting my RO/DI next week and learned a couple things here.
  8. dubba-r

    My webpage is going.....

    Awesome Rye!! Shots are clean. How'd you shoot without all the glare? Nice tank!
  9. dubba-r

    R/O-DI systems

    The post i was looking for! Was looking for a RO/DI unit after getting tired of constantly getting water from the water store. ---- does have some that are reasonably priced...
  10. dubba-r

    Choco Chip Star problems

    Um...its probably not getting enough food to eat. If you can, try and put a piece of seafood like krill under it, especially when they open up (like stand on its arms). Ive had one in my tank for awhile now, though i rarely feed it cause it seems to like munching off the algae in the sand bed.
  11. dubba-r


    I dont get how the expansion of the sand could cause the tank to explode. IMO, the water concealed inside the tank would put a greater pressure to cause such an explosion. Maybe there was a crack somewhere and it continued to grow? Never heard this though until now.
  12. dubba-r

    hermit +rock

    If its munching on your LR, then try and feed it some krill or other small pieces of seafood every now and then. Thats what I do with my hermits. I know I hate it when my cleaners eat up all the coralline algae off of the LR and create a mess in the sand bed.
  13. dubba-r

    Hidden Lion, crouching guppies

    Dwarf lions are known to be less active in the day. Had one way back when I had a 30G and it was a stone in the day then transforms into a active hunter at night. But, yeah try and get it of FW fish. It takes patience, but will be good for the fish in the long run
  14. dubba-r

    Sand Bed Changing????

    The bubbles are a sign that your sand bed is working. Its converting your nitrates to I think nitrogen, which will float to the top of your tank and pop! But anyway, thats the benefit of a DSB
  15. dubba-r

    Noise in Our Tanks!

    :eek: mine is in my living room where the home theater is hooked up. Watch alot of dvds all the time. No problems with the fishes (knock on wood.:D )
  16. dubba-r

    240 gal. or more

    Isn't Sea World close by? I think they have a big enough tank. j/k:D
  17. dubba-r

    wildest thing you've witnessed?

    The only wildest thing I seen is when I fed my lion five 2.5"-3" long silversides in a row. I was surprised it was still wanting more after the fifth one.
  18. dubba-r

    new naso tang not eating

    Whats your tank specs? Fishes? More info would help, if its not eating then somethings really bothering it.
  19. dubba-r

    what would you do

    At the LFS i go to, they have a very small tank probably like the one you mentioned. This one is beautiful. It is a mini reef with LR, small corals and I think just a couple small fish like a purple head firefish and a clown. It has a prizm skimmer and mh for lights. But I figured this would...
  20. dubba-r

    daily dose of garlic?

    garlic bread? :eek: