Search results

  1. dubba-r

    Frozen Fish Food

    Go to the seafood section in your grocery store and they will usually be in a bag called "seafood mix" or something similar to that. It contains all sorts of seafood.
  2. dubba-r

    My DSB is a mess

    IMO, no matter how much you clean off the debris/pebbles off of your DSB, it will always be there eventually. Especially if you have a cleaner crew. They will break off pieces from LR trying to find food and such. I tried picking them up at first but I became lazy and basically accepted it...
  3. dubba-r

    Hang ons

    I have a Remora Pro in my 125 FOWLR. I have to say that it does wonders for me. It takes out a lot of brown gunk in my tank. But there some annoyances that come with this skimmer. 1. Their will be a lot of micro bubbles flowing back in your tank. A lot in the beginning. Not as bad once...
  4. dubba-r


    What kind of lion are you planning on getting? Just make sure the lion is small enough so that it does not eat your clown and your shrimps. I was lucky with my 2 cleaners and my volitan for like 3 months. But a couple days ago one of my cleaners disappeared and now I see my lion hunting down...
  5. dubba-r

    Whats your most aggrssive?

    hmm...I would say that my hermits are the most aggressive in my tank. :D They go mad crazy at each other when I place food in the bottom of the tank!
  6. dubba-r

    Lionfish + Invertebrates

    Funny that you asked this because my Volitan and 2 cleaner shrimps were getting along fine for 3 months now. But yesterday I couldn't find one of my cleaners who usually is always in front of the tank. I thought that it was just hiding. But today I still cant find it. My lion probably got...
  7. dubba-r

    Check this tank out

    Who went inside my house and took that picture!?!?! lol For reals though, having a tank like that in your house must mean your banking it big time.
  8. dubba-r

    Inhabitants to a 180 Gallon Tank

    Like WHOA!!:eek:
  9. dubba-r

    Wondering what others 'trates are?

    Impressive with the no water changes. I cant do that since I have a queen angel in my tank. As for surface agitation, I just placed a hagen 802 near the top and to me it seems like its enough agitation.
  10. dubba-r

    Wondering what others 'trates are?

    What are the average nitrate readings for the people here with aggressive setups? Especially the ones with lionfishes I get about 10-15ppm.
  11. dubba-r

    Frozen Fish Food

    I feed some to my volitan lion. Also, I give pieces to my crabs and cleaner shrimps.
  12. dubba-r

    Difference In Fish Prices

    You would be really surprised about the prices we pay compared to the places where some of these fishes come from. Example, in the Philippines sw fish can be had in the $.50-$5 range (im talking about harl. tusks, regals, emperors, and other exotics)!! Like WHOA!!
  13. dubba-r

    Im Going Nuts

    Right on about what StacyT said. Don't get any tangs or angels (especially an emperor angel) for now as they require matured tanks. I don't see too many problems with having an aggressive setup, although you have to do frequent water changes because aggressives are messy eaters and your...
  14. dubba-r

    Aggressive Vs. Community Vs. Reef

    Reef = expensive! (upgrade in lighting a must!) FOWLR = Cheaper (although, depends on what type of fish and amount of LR) FO = Even cheaper (although, tank may not look "ocean-like") with no LR) I have a:
  15. dubba-r

    Powerhead bubbles harmful?

    Yeah..I wondered about this myself. Although not with powerheads, but with my skimmer. My Remora Pro (running for about 3 months) is still putting out massive amounts of tiny bubbles back into the tank even with the prefilter I bought for it. Tried putting media inside the prefilter and still...
  16. dubba-r

    Yellow Tang Craps 1000 times more than he should! Help?

    Had an adult emperor awhile back (7"-8") and OMG!! it released major sh**!! It did keep my inverts happy though:D
  17. dubba-r

    Thinking of getting Dwarf Flame Angel

    yeah mine was fine for a couple of months, then all of a sudden one morning it was dead. Don't know what happened, it was swimming and eating the night before...??
  18. dubba-r

    Length of Light fixture?

    I currently have a 125 gallon (72" inch long) FOWLR, but only have the standard light fixture that came with the tank. I know that Im fine with it because I have no corals (and don't plan too have any). I just wanted the type of lighting that will bring out the color in my fishes. The two 20W...
  19. dubba-r

    A surprise during my vacation...

    Didn't ask the owner about the manner in which the fish were caught...but I agree that the fish there are some of the more colorful ones i've seen.
  20. dubba-r

    A surprise during my vacation...

    Ok, I was in the Philippines (in Manila) and decided to check out several pet stores. I happened to visit one saltwater fish store and it was a saltwater hobbyists dream. Here you can find exotic fishes and corals/LR at SHOCKINGLY LOW :eek: prices. There were many harlequin tusks selling for...