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  1. glinton

    coralline algae growth

    Thanks jonthefb- How exactly do I keep my alk levels optimal? Do I need an additive? I had asked you in another thread about a test kit. I went to my LFS and they said there should be no need for me to buy a test kit, since I can bring it in there and they will test it for free. Should I buy a...
  2. glinton

    coralline algae growth

    That's what I was hoping you would say!! I am going to take a toothbrush to it tonight and scrub an area of the coralline to make the spores spread. I just saw my first critter today! I just saw a glimpse. I will have to get a better one and get someone to identify it. Thanks!
  3. glinton

    coralline algae growth

    The rock is dead live rock (I think that makes sense!). It is natural rock that came from Hawaii when they expanded one of their harbors. I am curious if Coralline algae will take a while to populate this rock as opposed to rock that is already alive. I have already seeded the dead rock with...
  4. glinton

    coralline algae growth

    I have just purchased some live rock that I have mixed in with my dead base rock. Will dead base rock take longer to grow coralline algae as compared to live base rock?
  5. glinton

    best test kit?

    Well said, friends. You have convinced me to open my wallet a little further. I will spend the money on a nicer kit. I am sure you are saving me some hassle in the future. Thanks!
  6. glinton

    best test kit?

    If I buy a "cheap" kit like the SeaChem kit or the Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, am I really going to be that bad off? Won't most test kits do the job you need them to do?
  7. glinton

    best test kit?

    What is a good overall test kit to get, relatively inexpensive? I found one by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals for pretty cheap, but is it good?
  8. glinton

    article on cycling a tank

    There was an article that I saw somewhere on the web about cycling a tank with a cocktail shrimp. Could anyone tell me where that is?
  9. glinton

    fiji live rock

    You're right. I apologize. I keep on forgetting about that rule!
  10. glinton

    LR or LS?

    That's what I was thinking about doing. Thanks!
  11. glinton

    LR or LS?

    Okay, I only have limited money but I am ready for the next step of my reef adventure. Should I buy live sand next or live rock? (Due to money restrictions, I only can get one or the other). I have some dry base rock that I have ordered that will be here next week, I plan to add to the base rock...
  12. glinton

    fiji live rock

    Where did you find it (website)? Sounds like a good deal!
  13. glinton

    dsb question

    Well, the tank is up and running. I bought the fine sand from CaribSea and mixed it with a little bit of cc. My tank is cloudy, which I know will clear up in a day or two. But the fine sand that is settling out of the water is creating a fine layer of sand on top of the dsb. Whenever I disturb...
  14. glinton

    substitute rock for LR

    javatech- How many pounds did you order from Since their rock is pretty dense, I am wondering if 30# will be enough for a 30gal long aquarium.
  15. glinton

    substitute rock for LR

    javatech- About the garf grunge-does it mess up your tank? I have heard people say that it looks ugly and it makes your sandbed look bad.
  16. glinton

    substitute rock for LR

    Javatech- Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! That site looks great! Did you order rock from them? DId you have a good experience with it? I am assuming you did. How is the coraline algae growth from your LR? Thanks again. Did you ever get the garf grunge? In another post you said you were going to...
  17. glinton

    Live rock/critters

    Where did you find that deal? I am looking to start up my reef tank soon.
  18. glinton

    substitute rock for LR

    Ahhhhh. The light is just starting to go on. Limestone=calcium carbonate, which is safe. It may take me a while, but I eventually get it. Thanks guys. Anyone else have any other ideas for substitute rock?
  19. glinton

    substitute rock for LR

    Is Tufa rock safe, in your opinion? Isn't it limestone? Is limestone safe to put in your tank?
  20. glinton

    substitute rock for LR

    I am starting up a 30gal long reef tank soon. I am planning on buying some sort of substitute rock for the base and fill in the rest with live rock. I want to buy substitute rock that still looks good and can be eventually overgrown with Coraline algae. What rock is good for this? I have already...