Search results

  1. glinton

    Are all heaters created equal

    What is the best heater out there? I have heard both Ebo Jaeger and Visitherm are good. Is this true? What others are good? I am looking for one that is dependable and able to keep a consistent temperature. Thanks!
  2. glinton

    wanted-36" double fluorescent strip light or 110W PC

    Wanted: 36" double fluorescent strip light OR 110W PC If anyone has anything for sale, let me know!
  3. glinton

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    WAR EAGLE Skilos! Well, let's just say we let Florida win last week. We were feeling sorry for them after beating them last year. (dont take it personally blondenaso1!!). Man, I really miss the plains of Auburn. I had a great time down there. I graduated in '94 with an Animal Science degree...
  4. glinton

    Live Sand Question

    If I were you, I would buy about 40# of aragonite and about 10# live sand. You don't need all live sand, because the live sand will eventually make the rest of the sand live. Live sand is just like the aragonite, except it has microbes on it that break down waste. Crushed coral is bigger in...
  5. glinton

    clean up crew

    I plan on having a community tank. I can't buy most of those things at my LFS, so I was hoping to buy them online. So should I wait to add them later? Thanks!
  6. glinton

    clean up crew

    After some more research and reading other threads, I have decided on this clean up crew: 10 blue leg hermits 2 emerald crabs 3 astrea snails 3 bumble bee snails 3 nassarius snails 3 trochus 4 turbo 2 peppermint shrimp 1 queen conch Any comments on the list? Will this be an overload for my new...
  7. glinton

    clean-up crew

    Should I buy blue leg hermits instead of the scarlets? What about peppermint shrimp? Maybe 1 or 2 of those as well? Thanks for the advice!
  8. glinton

    clean-up crew

    I have a 30gal with LR and an ocellaris clown. It has been up now for about a month and has finished cycling. It has gone through a small diatom bloom and is just about over. I am expecting the green algae any day now. I want to order the $75 u-build-it clean-up crew from swf. But, will this be...
  9. glinton

    starfish question

    Well, after doing some research, I am not convinced it is a chocolate chip star. Does anyone know where I can go to find some pictures of starfish on the web? I have searched the web and found nothing yet.
  10. glinton

    starfish question

    I think I have a baby chocolate chip star. I inherited it from a the local university marine tank (along with some bristle worms!!). It is tan in color and has brown spots on the top side. It has done nothing but climb ALL OVER the glass since I put him in yesterday. He is about 1/2" around. Do...
  11. glinton

    red or blue leg hermits?

    Whoops... Scratch that last post. I wasn't paying attention!!
  12. glinton

    red or blue leg hermits?

    So what do you use to clean the sand?
  13. glinton

    red or blue leg hermits?

    What is the difference between a red and a blue hermit crab? I am buying a clean up crew soon and I really don't know the difference between the two, except that the red leg hermits are more expensive. Why? Should I get a mix of the two?
  14. glinton

    aptasia on LR

    Good to know Azonic! So the only good shrimp to buy would be skunks?
  15. glinton

    aptasia on LR

    I have had an offer from the local university to trade a bare rock from my tank for a rock with coralline algae ALL over it from their tank. But, the tank has aptasia growing all in it. Should I try to get a rock that doesn't have any growing on it or should I avoid even trading at all? The deal...
  16. glinton

    White Sponge?

    Originally posted by jonthefb a great indicator of water quality, and maturation good luck jon Nice! My tank is only about 2 weeks old and I have some of these growing on my LR. I was wondering what they were. They seem to be growing.
  17. glinton

    id please

    I think it is a condy. You can almost see through the trunk on it. You can see it digesting the food it eats. It looks like a feather duster in shape only. The tentacles are thicker than the aiptasia as well, now that I think about it. Can any types of clownfishes make a condy their home?
  18. glinton

    id please

    I have been searching the web for pictures and I think it may be a tube anemone or a condy and I am leaning towards a condy. Can anyone tell me about condys? I have read they are aggressive. Are they good to have in your tank? The tank at the univ. has a ton of them and they are reproducing like...
  19. glinton

    id please

    The tentacles look like that except it has a "trunk" (excuse my non-technical language) like a feather duster.
  20. glinton

    id please

    I will try to get a picture up soon. The university is shut down over the weekend.