Search results

  1. omots

    Peppered Moray

    For one, least to my own prospective in this, the tang or dogface for the long term of keeping these in with a Cephalopholis Urodelus could become its victims for it will become very aggressive in time, least of all that is what is normal for this species. The maroon clown will vanish the...
  2. omots

    Peppered Moray

    There are a great many eels that can be manageable in a 265, but the choice ideal eel will depend on the fish that you be keeping as well. You need to know exactly what types of fish you will have with an eel, and then your choices could be better listed.
  3. omots

    Peppered Moray

    Peppered moray grows as large as 4.5' Is better known as Gymnothorax Pictus then the name you got and has two rows of vomerine teeth with no fangs, feeds on fish and crustaceans.
  4. omots

    Brazil Dragon Eel

    Its a more common mistake happening more and more for so many links which are indentifying eel species are twisting up their scientific and common names. For it not pays so much in running a simple search for that is how your mistake came about. Where as I not run a search in that way, for im...
  5. omots

    Brazil Dragon Eel

    The eel in which was giving the name Brazilian Dragon Eel is really the Whitespot moray (Muraena pavonina)
  6. omots


    No one said that your couldn`t have a banded snake eel, you requested facts on this type of sea creature and was giving it and with that was told that it not be a good idea to have a sfe as a second moray inhabitant with this type of species, the banded snake eel. You can have the eel, you just...
  7. omots

    Eel quastion

    I`m Sorry walleye, for a sfe when very small as a young juvenile moray is one thing , but as an adult eel, the sfe will require a tank not smaller then a 75 gallon tank with a number of other inhabitants.
  8. omots


    walleye, yes, its one thing to have your two eels together then a sfe with a banded snake eel for your two eels, I say a tank size of not smaller then a 110. Still, your the possibility of one eel taking a bite out of the other eel. But this happening with your two is unheard of pretty much, but...
  9. omots


    You were giving the facts on the question of the banded eel: Banded snake eel (Myrichthys colubrinus) To my knowledge, the general data on the Banded snake eel is that it likes to burrow into soft substrate, remaining hidden during the day and then come out at night to hunt. They will bury...
  10. omots

    2 eels for my tank?

    Banded snake eel (Myrichthys colubrinus) To my knowledge, the general data on the Banded snake eel is that it likes to burrow into soft substrate, remaining hidden during the day and then come out at night to hunt. They will bury themselves into the substrate with just their heads sticking out...
  11. omots

    another eel question.

    The odds be is that it will attract the other fish as well>
  12. omots

    another eel question.

    There be only one way for you to have the SFE to feed and that is that your so young a juvenile eel be in its own tank. Its never a good idea to add so small a docile eel in a aggressive tank. :(
  13. omots

    Golden Dwarf Moray Eel

    Right on one species in general but wrong in your method of thinking for first your the bright golden/yellow phase and then your the bright phase with one or so dark spot markings as then your the brownish color phase as well. The Banana Moray as you mention is actually a Gymnothorax miliaris...
  14. omots

    Golden Dwarf Moray Eel

    That dwarf appears to be the darker version of the dwarf golden moray, which often seen for sale as low as $175.00
  15. omots

    eel and trigger problem

    It matters not on the size of the trigger for any eel as small as a SFE should be in its own tank for one thing, due to its size, it is potential food for any aggressive species.
  16. omots

    ghost eel

    This is a ghost eel (Uropterygius concolor)
  17. omots

    ghost eel

    Its not an Ghost Eel (Uropterygius concolor) you think you have or had there, for its a Ghost Ribbon Eel (Rhinomuraena Quaesita). Merry Christmas
  18. omots

    Kidako Moray

    They are one and the same, the only differences is that their last names are spelled differently for it should be Kidado and not Ki`k`ado. Happy Holidays :)