Search results

  1. damselsrck

    Good Stocking List?

    hello, I have already: 1 occ. clown 1 yellowtail damsel I would like these fish, which ones will work in a 46-gallon? (fowlr) Lemonpeel*, Pygmy, or Coral Beauty Angelfish (one of them) lmb*or midas blenny*. " 6-line wrasse* maybe some kind of Cardinalfish? (if room) I put a * by the fish I...
  2. damselsrck


    Hi. I just bought some cured live rock this afternoon. I only bought 5 lbs...(the stuff was over-priced) but I was just dying to get some in my tank. One piece I bought becuase it had lots of coralling (pink, purple, and then a really dark purple) and the other I bought becuase it had a form of...
  3. damselsrck

    Which Tests?

    Hi, I have the test kits for: Ammonia Ph Nitrite Nitrate Salinity What other test kits should I get for a fowlr? Phosophate? Calcium?
  4. damselsrck

    Id Please

    I don't think I would flush him yet, many people buy decorator crabs.
  5. damselsrck

    Exotic additions...

    I have a 46-gallon bow-front tank that has 1 yellow tail damsel and 1 occ. clownfish. I was thinking about getting a 6-line wrasse but to my dissapointment found out that they can be a hit-and-miss with inverts...I am going to a nice fish store tomorrow and they have several 6-line wrasses, I'll...
  6. damselsrck

    Stocking 46-gallon

  7. damselsrck

    just added a few new corals

    Gorgeous corals! Ricordeas and Frogspawn (and things like that) are my two favorite corals!
  8. damselsrck

    My Zoanthid Collection

    This may seem like a very simple question, but..Why, when most corals (especially zoos) can sting, are zoos able to be kept in a cluster so closely packed? Are zoos immune to just their own sting, or to all zoo stings?
  9. damselsrck

    lets see if i remember how to do this

    I really like your fish! What size tank is it? and how many lbs. of lr/ls?
  10. damselsrck

    how big do your fish really get?

    Fish may not grow to their max. size in a small tank, not becuase of ajusting(sp) to their enviorments, but becuase their growth has been stunted.
  11. damselsrck

    Stocking 46-gallon

    I was thinking about getting a 6-line wrasse but to my dissapointment found out that they can be a hit-and-miss with inverts...I am going to a nice fish store tomorrow and they have several 6-line wrasses, I'll have to see if they keep them in a tank with inverts. I want a tank that has fish...
  12. damselsrck

    Did it Work

    Do you have an occ. or a perc? It looks like there is one near the surface in the first pic, and then you have a pair of tomatoes?. How did you do this? Is there any aggression?
  13. damselsrck

    Live Rock Curing

    Wow, well this will be the first time I am going to this fish store. And yes, it SPECIALIZES IN SALTWATER FISH!! The last store I used had puppies too....kinda dissapointing. It's not as big though as one in the big city, it specializes in fish, but still has over 2000 in just show aquariums...
  14. damselsrck

    Live Rock Curing

    may I ask where, local or online, you bought it? I'm just afraid that after reading all these reviews of people finding things in lr I will be dissapointed with mine, but I guess if it does anymore than help stabilize the tank I will be satisfied.
  15. damselsrck


    Ok, well I've read some "reviews" and I concluded that they needed a tank at least four-feet long ....on to looking for some other almost perfect fish. :thinking:
  16. damselsrck

    Id Please

    could that be a decorator crab? sorry...not good w/ inverts. great pic though. don't take my word for it, wait for someone knowledgable...
  17. damselsrck

    Live Rock Curing

    yeah, I was thinking about sifting through the sand...I also have a bunch of these shells I bought for my hermit crabs (so that they wouldn't kill snails/other hermits for shells...) I was planning on taking those out and then hiding them behind the rocks, where the hermits can get to them, but...
  18. damselsrck


    Hi, I have a 46-gallon tank with 1 yellowtail damsel and 1 occ. clown (soon to be two) and I was wondering if it was possible for me to have one of these fish? (don't worry, I haven't bought one, just always admired them) If anyone with a foxface reads this, or someone that knows foxface's...
  19. damselsrck

    Live Rock Curing

    I have 2 fish, 1 yellowtail damsel, and 1 occ. clownfish. My tank is a 46-gallon. I just called the fish store and the rock is cured. I want to try and get the addition of rock over asap, how should I go about this so as not to harm the fish? I also would like to add sand to my tank on top of my...
  20. damselsrck

    To clown or not to clown??

    I'm in the exact same situation as you (same size clown even!) except my clown (occ.) has been in my tank since late august.